
Should a person be paid gratuity if their contract is terminated for failing to fulfil one of the requirements

by  |  earlier

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The person's contract was renewed six months ago.However the person is over the age limit for the granting of a precept which is a requirement for the position.




  1. Well I believe the contract was renewed so the age requirement should have been taken into account at that time. The gratuity is part of the salary. I believe it should be demanded at that point

  2. Why was the contract renewed if the person is "over the age limit for the granting of a precept"?  If they became "over the age" during the 6 months than the contract is valid and the person should be paid.  Also if you are in the USA it's ILLEGAL to mention anything about age in a contract it's discrimination and the clause would be stricken in a court of law--in other words just pay the person what's owed and move on.  GOOD LUCK!

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