
Should a person earn the right to be a leader, or, should they receive the honor gratuitously?

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Should a person earn the right to be a leader, or, should they receive the honor gratuitously?




  1. A person should be experienced in all matters/manners of leadership before being given the honor of leading. So, I guess it would be earned either way. For instance, a person who has spent most of his time breeding Arabian horses should not be put in charge of FEMA.

  2. earned

  3. After hearing Bush, Brown and Blair prattling on about leadership endlessly for the benefit of their adoring minions, I'd like to make the distinction between 'leadership' and 'good leadership'.  

    Judging by the policy results this is a distinction that badly needs stressing... politicians are prejudiced, short termist and self interested to the point of being dangerous lunatics.  

    The political system does not encourage rational analysis, the asking of key questions, or independence of thought - quite the contrary it suppresses expert knowledge and any dissenting view that doesn't fit the political short term paradigm, which reduces policy options from seeking optimal results to a simple ' us and them' paradigm.

    "You're either with us or you're against us... "

    Has anyone noticed how that statement cuts both ways?  

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