
Should a person wear medical jewelry if they have Type 2 Diabetes?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this question earlier today, but it left me confused, so here I am willing to try again. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few weeks ago. She didn't give me a finger pricker thing, but she put me on Metformin and some other medication. The metformin bottle has a little tab on it that says I should be wearing a medical ID tag saying that I'm taking this medicine. Should I be wearing one? I'm probably going to get a finger pricker thing soon. (Sorry, don't know what those are called.)

I'm 13, and I've done quite a bit of research on diabetes. I'm finding everywhere that I should wear a medical bracelet or necklace. Help!




  1. If the medication bottle suggests wearing one why the confusion? You question already has the answer. On top of it you say your research suggest you should but yet you are still asking should you. Are you hoping to get a better answer from here despite the medication warning and your research?

  2. Yes you should. That will let any emergency rescuer/ hospital staff to know of the condition.

    For example... If a person comes into the ER and is unresponsive, blood cultures and tox screens are done and it would be benefical on their end to have an alert tag. (Metformin clashes with X-Ray dye and will be stopped for 2 days after X-Ray dye injection so you do not damage your kidneys)

    Talk to a doctor!!!!!!  

  3. Yes, you should get one.  They sometimes have them in pharmacies.  You get one for diabetes.  Then keep a list of your meds & doses on a sheet with your emergency ID info.

    You do not need a bracelet for depression.

    Good luck

  4. Yes you should!

    You should wear a medical bracelet anytime you have a chronic condition or allergy to food or medication..In case you're in an accident or pass out..they will know what to do or not do..

  5. Yes you should be wearing a medic alert bracelet and the finger prick thing is called a glucometer.

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