
Should a post-Kyoto resolution be signed now, or should we wait to see if warming resumes?

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If in 2012, 1998 remains the "warmest year on record" (and remember, the "record" will at that time be only a little over a century), will it be possible to take the alarmists seriously?

Why the rush to "save the planet" from a problem that apparently has gone away?




  1. The problem hasn't "gone away".  Climate is over a long period of time.  So yes, we should sign some sort of international treaty to stop climate change.  I think that we should have signed Kyoto.

    JOHNNIE B-do you have any idea what fossil fuels are?  I am really curious where you got that definition of fossil fuels.  Fossil fuels come from millions of years ago; they come from dead animals that decomposed and compressed into fossil fuels over millions of years.  That is why they are a non-renewable resource, because they aren't renewable on the human time scale.

  2. It is from the fear of running out of fossil fuel. Where do U think our present supply of fossil fuel came from??   Wrong it is not from animals  but from fossil plants. The plants capture the sun's energy and store it as oil. The plants have done this for million of years . The present plants are doing it now and will continue as long as they have CO2 ,water ,and sunlight. So we will never run out of fossil fuels.

  3. I am glad we have not signed that treaty. Economically it could affect how we live.  We do not need a Carbon usage tax. That is the worst thing that could happen.  What is bad about this treaty is that we would be at the mercy of others. I agree with you about why rush to save the planet if the problem has gone away. I think things go in cycles to where we have "global warming" and "global cooling".

  4. depends.. if you are going to get ALL countries to sign and to agree to the same limits/conditions.. i wouldn't have a problem with it.. the problem with kyoto is it was designed in such a way that it served as a wealth redistribution plan as much as a conserve carbon plan.. which is why most were opposed to it.

  5. I think it should be signed now!

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