
Should a post-partum woman be treated like she should be working?

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I was 2 weeks post-partum when I went for a job interview. They wanted to know some things about the workers so I shared that I just had a baby 2 weeks ago. People were shocked that I was going to work that soon. I was hired that day.

I was living with my mother-in-law and my husband was too. He was making $8.50 per hour, only given 30 hrs. to work per week. We didnt' have rent or anything, but we contributed to the electric and water bills. Once I was hired at the job, my mother in law text messaged my husband saying, "Now that you both have jobs, you can give me at least $40 towards the electric and $40 towards the water." We didn't have $30.

I didn't even have a paycheck yet, and I was earning $6.15 per hour. Was I supposed to be working at 2 weeks post-partum just to pay my mother in law? I didn't even have all the basic necessities for my baby. I took the job so we could afford diapers- no lie. Yet I was being asked for money.

What's your view on this?




  1. So stressful! You are not even healed yet! Can you move in with your parents? Even if they live in another state or town it might be better for you to sart over again since your wages are so low.

  2. I would explain that you just don't have the money since you just had a baby and the baby's needs come first. She should at least expect you to get a paycheck before demanding some money. If I were you, I'd put aside every penny you can afford so you and your husband can find a place of your own.

  3. A mother should have at least six weeks off. Doctors recommend a six week period to regain all your strength. Having a baby is like going through surgery. Your MIL is really incosiderate. You should ask your husband to have a talk with her and explain that you are trying to get the baby everything it needs. I stayed with mine for a month and she agreed we could stay and save money. Well all of a sudden she started asking for rent, so we left. I was upset because why would I pay rent when I didn't have my own room! I never ate there food, I never watched the cable. I pretty much stayed in my honnie's room because she constantly smoked.

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