
Should a princess curtsey to Prince Albert of Monaco?

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I know that all royal princess must curtsey to Kings and Queens. Even to Grand Dukes of Luxemburg and Princes Consort (England,Denmark).

But should a princess curtsey to Prince Albert II being a Prince Sovereign?

I've never seen a picture with that situation.




  1. yes, I am sure of it as it is some sort of royal thing

  2. No.A royal highness does not need to bow or curtsy to a serene highness,which is all that Albert is.There is a ranking of importance among the royals.A royal highness ranks above a serene highness. Albert's sister,Caroline,married a royal highness,and is technically of higher ranking than her brother.

  3. No, only to "Prince Albert in a Can".

  4. she doesn't have to, but she should out of respect because he is the soviergn prince of monaco (basically the king of monaco, but not a king because it is a principality)

  5. I believe she should. His father passed the throne onto him and now he is "The" Prince of Monaco.

  6. Nobody should curtsey to any other human being. Full stop. When I worked as a waitress and served the wee boys of our Royal family when they were at Gordonstoun, my boss told us to treat them like any other customer, he knew we wouldn't bloody curtsey we are Scottish, and they were all great fun and full of charm, especially the great Lady Brabourne (sorry about the spelling) she was a terrific broad and still is.

  7. not since the 1990's, all that stuff has gone out the window in the modern world

  8. Traditionally, women would curtsey for those of senior social rank just as men would bow. Today this practice has become less common. In European cultures it is traditional for women to curtsey in front of royalty. It may then be referred to as a court curtsey and is often especially deep and elaborate. So I would say yes, since Prince Albert of Monaco is still "royalty" whether or not if he is a head figure of a kingdom or a principality state. Plus, curtseying to a royal figure is also a gesture of "respect” and being polite to one another just like shaking hands. I'm sure all the princesses were taught of proper etiquettes and manners.

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