
Should a private organisation need prior permission from GOvt to work on Independence Day or labour day?

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Is there any rule saying the indepedence day is restrictely a holiday .

Apart from emergency in profession.And there any flying squad raid possible




  1. i work for the post office and its a federal job.  trust me we get mandated just about every holiday.  

  2.   Leave it to Brit to ask a question this dumb.

  3. No.

  4. No. of course not.  State and federal government agencies have to observe mandated holidays, but not private businesses. Of course, a business that doesn't give paid holidays on days everyone around them has off like Independence Day or Labor Day may find they have a hard time attracting or retaining employees, but that's their decision.  Retail stores, for example, often are not only open but holding big sales requiring all their employees to work on holidays when they know lots of people will be off work and thus potentially out shopping.

  5. In the US, private companies do not need permission from anyone to determine which days to work, provided that they follow state laws and any applicable union/employee contract regarding rest periods and overtime for their employees.

    I have no idea what the flying squad comment is supposed to mean.

  6. Employers are not required to ask the Government for permission to work on any holidays. Many work 365 days per year.

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