
Should a race be allowed to spread around the world if its own country is starting to over populate.

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some countries are on the verge of being over populated and therefore the excess going to other countries and over populating them.shouldn't they lessen the birthrate.




  1. allowed? Yes.  We are all the same no matter what ethnicithy we are..

  2. A race of what? Humans do not have races they are all the same kind with different physical characteristics.

  3. Allowed in reality countries should not even exist. Nature has no borders  people should not be controlling movement of others

  4. Why shouldn't they be allowed?  Everyone's human.

    China, for example, has already enacted a one-child rule, but the population is still rising.

  5. This is looking at the problem backwards. First of all, it has nothing to do with race and much to do with geographic location. Second, the type of changes impacting Earth's ability to function as a suitable habitat for human beings, such as global warming, desertification, overfishing, peak oil, soil degradation, deforestation, aquifer depletion and other environmental problems caused by industrialization, proceed mostly from "underpopulated" countries and have already begun to decrease population growth in the affected areas to which you refer. Thus it seems only fair that overdeveloped countries take partial responsibility for the global ills they have created, by accepting more immigration from those areas.

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