
Should a school be taking sides in the Jena 6?

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I know this was a long time ago..but I was in 8th grade, and they had a "Jena 6 Day" where you should wear black to show your support for hte Jena 6. I refused to wear black and got looks all day just because I was one of the only people that wasn't. It's not that I don't support them, I supported the Jena 6 but I was protesting that the school was taking sides. I live in St. Louis where it's not very racist, and even though everyone almost unanimously supports them it's not the school's decision to make up our mind for us. That's like having christmas parties because "most people celebrate christmas". What do you think? Should the school have done that?




  1. the school should take sides just as it would if it have gone the other way around

  2. I think everyone should have their own opinion.

  3. I think your school officials did the right thing. Not tolerating rascism is what your highschool faculty needed to do. If the student body had no example, then what does that say about your school. Sometimes saying nothing, and letting things like racism happen in a school, shows the lack of integrity in your school. They did the right thing by correcting themselves. If you weren't compelled to wear balck that's fine. But I wouldn't worry about your school having an opinion. Everyone makes mistakes. The lines sometimes blurr between right and wrong. If you think both sides were wrong, that's ok too. The school was just saying the acts started because of rascist actions. The school should've interfered. That is the real problem.

  4.   U personally supported the Jena 6, right? so why can't your school outwardly show it's support?  I see nothing wrong with what your school did.    

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