My son is seven years old and whenever we are out shopping, I make him go in the woman's restroom with me. He is the only boy out of my three children so if he went in the men's bathroom he would have to go alone if my husband is not with us, and I am afraid that someone may attempt to do something to him. The other day, a woman made a big deal about him going in the woman's bathroom. She said he was too old, and she didn't appreciate it since her little girl was also present. I told her I thought the last thing on a seven year old boy's mind was looking at her daughter. Besides, it isn't like it is open bathrooms. I was really offended. My son has Asperber's, and I have to watch him closely sometimes. I am quite sure he wouldn't know what to do if a man attempted to sexually assault him. Does anyone else feel the same way this woman, and if so, what would you suggest I do?