
Should a sophomore be taking these tests?

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I am taking the PSAT in October and the ACT in December. I plan on taking the SAT in March and maybe an SATII if I have the time. I mean, even if I do not do good I can still retake them all in Junior right? So in your opinion, should I be taking these tests as a sophomore?




  1. In all honesty unless you are doing quite well academically and the plan is that you will graduate next year then in my opinion no. ACT and SAT tests are typically taken at the end of your junior year or beginning of your senior year, not sophomore. PSAT is normally taken early part of your Junior year or late in your sophomore year.  

    If you do not do well on them you can retake. However there are a few points to take into consideration. First point there is no guarantee that you will do any better and you might do worse. Even if you do 'better' there is no guarantee that your higher score will have much of an impact and for it to have a significant impact then your scores have to be significantly higher. Second point is some schools will average the two scores and thereby diluting any gains made on the second test. Final point to keep in mind there is a risk and potentially a big risk if you retake them.  

  2. i too the psat my freshman year... my whole grade did..

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