
Should a sore horse be exercised???

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My TB is sore in her FR and I am not sure if I should contuinue to exercise her lightly or give her time off. I couldn't find any heat and touching her leg anywhere doesn't bother her but when I lunge her you can see she is favoring the right side. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!




  1. No!! Once the sores heal start walking it up  and down the road. increase the distance every day then start riding agian.

  2. You should regularly walk her around, nothing heavy, a very light workout. I recommend doing this for about a week, until you see improvement. If not, you should call a vet.

  3. i would say not to do heavy workouts, like maybe just lead her around for a while until her legs seem to balance out

  4. i would leave her for a few days especially if she is favoring one side. just walk her gentley in hand..

    good luck. hope shes better soon

  5. for a few days try just walking her on a lead up and down  and as she gets stronger in her left side do some light work and gently bring her back to normal


  6. run cold water down her leg for awhile (15-20 mins). Give her some time off, walk her around on with a leadrope for a few days and give her stall rest.

  7. NEVER ask a lame horse to work.  She could become more cirtically injured.  You didn't say what was wrong.  Do you know?  Does she need to see a vet.  I would not even hand walk her.  Turn her out so she can move on her own until she is well.  I would not force her movement in any way.

  8. I would definately not exersise her at the moment. Is there heat in the hoof? As mentioned before, try the hoof testers on her, if there is no reaction, I would give her some time out. If there is no heat in the leg that you can feel, it may be in the shoulder. Some rest will ease it off, horses have a wonderful knack of being able to wrench muscles just rolling! Good luck.

  9. I always leave my horse alone when he is lame.  If it is not gone in  two days and not vet-worthy, I will walk him around the pastures and some empty lots around the barn.  I do it for as long as he seems to be enjoying it.  Once he starts acting like he doesn't want to walk anymore because he hurts, we quit.  This is only if he is very slightly lame though.  If he was really lame, I would leave him in a pasture (or a stall if it is something you think he shouldn't move much on)

  10. i asked my mom bout dat and she a expert in hores.....

    anyway she said u shood just walk her 4 a while each day, but DON'T lunge her until she is comfortable wit it.

    Good Luck! ;)

  11. Use a hoof tester on the foot. She may have a stone bruise. You could also walk her over an obstacle at least 1 1/2 ft high. If she drags her foot over the obstacle touching it she has something wrong in one of her joints. Knee or shoulder. If she steps over it with no problem the pain is in lower than the knee.

      Give her some Bute and a day off from doing anything. Put her in a small paddock by herself.

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