
Should a special Ed student take a class like Algerbra 1 if he/she has a IEP. The parent is against the class.

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I had a teacher who taught special ed wanting me to take a Algebra 1 class so I could get into a geometry class. I barely passed IEP math.WTF was I going to do in Algebra 1.




  1. Is the student in all Spec Ed classes? Or is the student mainstreamed? What is the reason for the Spec Ed (ex: developmental, ADHD, etc)? If the parent intends for their child to go to college then Algebra 1 may be necessary. IEPs are necessary for success, but does not disclude the student from taking a core corriculum class. I guess I don't understand why the parent does not want their child to take the class. My son's Spec Ed, but I want him to get all the education he can. If he has problems in a certain class, then we'll address it then.

  2. It's impossible to say without more information.  What's the IEP for?  What are his/her specific problems?  Does he/she actually have a chance of understanding and completing the class?  Are appropriate accommodations for the student available in this class to help him/her be successful?  Why are the parents against it?

  3. That would have to depend on the student and his/her disability.

    My daughter is learning disabled and she has issues like dyslexia and processing issues and she's taking algebra 2 this year and did really well in algebra 1 last year. It's not a question that can be answered with out knowing more about the person's disability. The only exemption that my daughter has is a language like Spanish or French since she's dyslexic. But next year she wants to take American Sign Language.  So I would have to say that, that question needs more information before it can be adequately answered.

  4. The student is suppose to take all required courses in order to graduate. And since student has IEP, the IEP plan is suppose to provide help for the child to be able to succeed in the algebra class.  whatever help the student needs to be able to suceed in the algebra class HAS to be written into the IEP plan or the teacher won't legally have to do the help.

    First, have parents find out if algebra is a required course. If not, student does not have to take it.

  5. Your question does not provide enough information for me to adequately give an answer.

    The IEP should provide proper supports for the student, so that the student will be able to succeed in the classes in which he/she is enrolled.  I mean, why set a student up for failure?

    If the student has successfully completed Pre-algebra, there is no reason to suspect he/she will not be able to progress to Algebra.  However, it would be a mistake to allow a student to advance, if he/she has not successfully mastered the prerequisites for any class.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.

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