
Should a statue of Gandhi?

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be erected in Leicester agaisnt the wishes of the inhabitants

'A row has broken out in Leicester in Britain where a section of the local population is opposing a move to install a statue of Mahatma Gandhi '




  1. There is a statue of Gandhi in Tavistock Square (London) and many people, of all colours/creeds, place flowers and candles there. Myself included.

  2. He was a great man, that's a given. But this country has produced many great heroes and I do not understand why we should be erecting statues of foreigners in the UK, no matter what great deeds they have done, unless it directly benefitted the UK, i.e. Roosevelt, etc.

  3. Well he is not British so I since he opposed the Brits then no I oppose it. Stalin supported us so whens his statue going to be erected?

    Arthur Scargill would be a better candidate for a statue.

  4. He was a great man I wouldn't mind having a statue near my house where I live

  5. No why?

  6. I live in Leicester, who is paying for it? Probably my council tax. What a waste - it will be covered in graffitti within 2 days.

  7. Its just another excuse for Keith Vaz to get his ugly mug on TV the guy is publicity hungry criminal who should be incarcerated not running the country.

  8. Ghandi was one of the greatest humanitarian social and political thinkers who has ever lived and is a great example to follow for the entire human race, regardless of race, creed, colour or nationality.

    Personally I would be proud to have a statue of him near where I live.

    There are plenty of buildings e.t.c in the UK named in honour of Nelson Mandella (who advocated violent uprising in his early days with the ANC). So why would a statue of a great man like Ghandi (who advocated non-violent protest) be so objectionable?

    Edit: Ghandi was a barrister educated at University College London. He was a product of the British education system, so why shouldn't a statue of him be erected in Britain?

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