
Should a teacher be fired for this?

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Should a teacher be fired if they call students dumb and drugged??




  1. If not fired but at least bring it to attention of principle so  he/she can get a warning.

  2. yes the should be

  3. Yes, or in some other way disciplined, that child and his/her parents can now file charges against the school and teacher.

    Legally the school would do better if they fired this teacher.

    The time limit on these things is all wacky and he can come back up to 5 years later and say he was verbally abused.

    K+1 for 54 more days!

  4. yes.. he should be warned and punished with salary decreasing for a number of months.... however his students should do something regarding his attitude

  5. If the student was unable to speak and was on medication, legal or illegal, then it is the truth.NO fire.

    In other instances so many students are drugged due to their own stupidity then it is again true. No fire

    There are far to many suck teenagers in school these day.

  6. Yes that's verbal abuse.

  7. No --maybe they are dumb and drugged --I don't know. The teacher might be reprimanded, but they shouldn't be fired.

  8. Yes cause teachers aren't supposed to call you like that

  9. yes! its verbal abuse and the parents could possibly sue!

  10. YES!!!! that is not the way a teacher talks to a student. if that was you who said that you should be ashamed.but if a teacher said that to you or a fellow pupil then immediately tell the administration.

  11. it depends on the situation

  12. Well it's not right, and someone needs to call them on it.

    But they're not going to get fired for it.

  13. no...if its the truth

  14. Actually a teacher at my school recently got fired for making comments like that. He told a girl she was bitchy cuz she was on her period and he was always accusing kids of being high.

  15. Reprimanded - Yes.  

    Fired - No.

  16. That is inappropriate and unprofessional.  However teachers are people too so if this is a first offense it should just be a warning.

  17. Yes, teachers should never have to resort to that kind of a language with anyone; they are responsible to mold very frail personalities and something like that can break even the strongest characters

  18. Yeah! And with fines!

  19. Yes

  20. NO....If parents were doing the parenting then the teachers wouldn't have to do the parents jobs and their own job.  Parents need to step up and take responsibility for the actions of their kids and teach them that they need to respect others, especially in school.

    I agree that it's unprofessional and should never resort to that but people these days are using schools as daycare and don't seem to care about the education of their children.

  21. Absolutely!  Teachers are getting away with too many things these days!

  22. h**l yeah...... unless it was true, but its still wrong, they shouldnt do in front of other students!


  24. is the student dumb and drugged?

  25. yes it inappropriate!

    teacher r supposed to encourage

  26. heck yeah!

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