
Should a teacher force a student to take a class they are not ready for?

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my friend is in the 8th grade and her teacher wants her to take algebra 1 honors and she doesn't feel ready for the class but the teacher is making her take it anyway.




  1. First of all, the lady above me probably has no business teaching.  

    But to answer your question, you need to post more details.  Is the kid 7 or in high school?  Is he not ready in a psychological sense, or a committment sense?  

    I teach high school chemistry and I would never turn away any kid ever.  Even if they were going to struggle I know they would take away a bunch of stuff from my class.  If they had bad grades in earlier science classes that could have been between them and the other teacher.  

    How do you know this student isn't ready?  Is it based on what another teacher said?  I don't trust very many teachers.  

  2. no, a teacher should know better.

    My son is homeschooled, 1 of the reasons is because he was not ready for the next grades to go into, due to learning disablities, but the teachers here said, he HAS got to be with the other kids his age. Never mind the fact, he wasnt ready for it, he had so much trouble in the next grade it wasnt funny. So we took him out of the schooling, & decided it was up to us to teach him the proper way. Hes alot happier too becaue of it. Not to mention, the teachers here think that the extra $$ they get should go in their pockets, instead of getting materials needed for the students!!

    The teaches here are always on strike because they feel they dont get enough $$, but heres our kids falling behind due to not enough materials for the children to learn from!

    I asked a teacher how come its all about her pocketbook, when our kids are falling behind? Her  answer, if you want that kind of c**p, you get it for the children! Its not up to us to support the teachers pocketbook, If we as parents have to do without, so can the teachers, stop & think about the students. There why your there to begin with!!!

    To the idot below me, if ihave no business teachign my son, what are you going to do about it? Oh yeah, nothing! you cant you dont have a say in it do you?

    Also the schools here have told me my son is doig nso much better then what he was in their schools, he went from D's &F's to A's & B's!!! So guess where you can go?? Since your a teacher, I hope your smart enough to figure that out!!!

  3. I would say no, but there are exceptions.

    If the teacher knows the pupil is not ready for the class then it would be unfair. However, if they think the pupil is ready and can handle it, it may be that the pupil does not want to leave their comfort zone.

    Also the class may be mandatory and thus the teacher has no choice but to push the student towards it.

    The best thing to do would be to speak discretely to another teacher and explain what the exact circumstances are and see what they would do.

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