
Should a woman have the "right to choose"?

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If you say "No", then you should vote for McCain/Pa.. (whatever her name is).

McCain and the Republicans believe a woman does NOT have the right to decide whether to have an abortion!

McCain "believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned."





  1. yes u have the right to vote unless we are c**p to them if they care for women rights we sould vote + thats suggests that u should vote for obama

  2. NO, women should not have the right to chose. Abortion is wrong in the way that you're killing your own child. Imagine if YOUR mother had an abortion while pregnant with you? You wouldn't be here. Thank her for not aborting you if she chose to in the first place.

    During the aborting process the baby can feel the scissors cutting through it's head. It's not only painful for the baby, but it's also painful for the mother. Emotionally and physically. Why should it be your choice whether or not to rid of your child when all the child has done is nothing. It's full of pure innocence and should get a chance at life no matter what it comes out to look like or what diseases it has. It's a child, not a choice.

    Take a look at these:

  3. Of course they should, I think if the decision were left up to the man, there would be more abused, poverty stricken families.

    Some people are not financially stable enough to care for a baby

    Some people are not mentally stable enough to care for a baby

    Don't let kids be born into dysfunctional homes.

  4. YES, Women HAVE the right to choose, and it is going to stay that way..

  5. I am a guy, And think that no guy has the right to put an anti-abortion law into effect.... It is purely a women's choice/issue!  

  6. I think the question should be

    Should a BABY have a right to choose?

  7. What choice does a fetus have?

  8. Sometimes abortion is just better for everyone.

  9. So if a woman chooses to commit suicide for ANY reason, it's her body, her life, and you fully support that? How sick

  10. People who decide who they vote for on one issue and one issue alone should not be voting.

  11. i know i sound like i am with abortion but i am not all i am saying is the government should not choose for us because it can get very insane and ppl will probably do something worse than abortion bc they can't get one. you know wat they say love the sinner hate the sin well i am strongly against abortion but that is wat i am afraid what will happen.  

  12. I fully agree that a woman should have the RIGHT 2 decide if she does or doesn't want an abortion. I've heard both sides and regardless of religious backgrounds-the woman knows what she can and can't handle, as well as, knows what the options are and aren't. So again I believe that a woman should have the RIGHT 2 decide.

  13. Yes, I have no doubt that you know this. But this is meant for all the people coming on here talking about protecting unborn babies. How about preventing misery, huh?! Sause one of the main reasons why this world is such a mess is because some people think THEY have the right to choose for other adults, like the Republicans think they can choose for women what's best for them.

    If they want these babies to be born: they should take care of them, give them the same priviliged life that they give their own kids. So sorry about the swearing: Ignorant b******s is what they are. Millions of babies being born and having a horrible life because women have been denied the choice.  

  14. that is total nonsense we should have the right

    for teen pregnancies it is like a must

  15. Women should have more rights to choose than they do... there are other topics than babyproduction.

  16. And that's why the rest of the world with a mind believe that McCain is a ****

    To JRZ: It's nice that someone else thinks that way. I'm bored of men trying to make decisions on a problem that is not, and never will be, relevant to them or have any impact on their lives. It makes me queasy.

  17. of course women should have the right to choose

    right to choose obama!

  18. I personally could never have an abortion but I believe that a woman should have a right to choose. I think that if abortion is outlawed women will be die getting illegal abortions by some one just out for the money.

  19. i don't like obama and i am a republican but i HATE republican views on abortion and religion and most controversial issues

    women not only should have the right to choose they NEED to have the right to choose, it's their body and it's never their fault.

    the man gets her pregnant not the other way around so she needs some control and the last thing this world needs is more children without loving families, in foster care, or homeless.

    it's cruel to the mother to make her have a child she doesn't want to have, it is not cruel to a child that is unborn who would feel unloved and like an accident

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