
Should a woman save her wedding dress?

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I don't want to save my wedding dress, because I don't have a lot of storage and it takes up a lot of room. I'll never wear it again, I'm sure my daughter won't wear it since styles change. But, I'm afraid if I sell it or something I'll miss it sometime down the road. Should I save it? I just really don't see the point in it other than memories.




  1. Though my mom got married in the 60s and all that implies style wise, I was able to use part of the dress for several things for my wedding. Also, my mom had part of her dress and my train made into a Christening gown for my children.

    I vote for saving it, but I am a sentimental fool.

  2. I get the impression that you're not going to re-purpose it, so I'd say get rid of it. Donate it somewhere where another woman can wear it, and then you won't miss it - you'll feel good about helping another woman have her dream dress.

  3. My whole family has there wedding dresses wrapped in cotton sheets in trunks. We only open them up once every probably five years, but it is amazing to see my Moms, Grandmas, Great Grandmas, etc wedding gowns and my little flower girl dress and stuff!! I want my children and grandchilren to be able to see my dress in 50 years if they want to, it is the food of romantic envisions of your own wedding when you are a 10 year old little girl and you see the dress and the pictures of your grandmother before she was old and wrinkled!!!

    So I am DEFINATELY keeping mine forever, but  I know some people who just sell theres : (

  4. A woman should save her wedding dress.

    It's the only piece of clothing that you can keep forever and still admire.

    My mom kept her wedding dress, and then she started all of my special moments dresses.

    She kept my baptismal gown, my first communion dress and my Quinceanera dress. Now I have added my wedding dress to the collection.  

  5. Make sure you have lots of pictures of it and then donate it to anyone who can make good use of it!

  6. Get it preserved, they put it in a box so it doesn't take up that much room.  This way if a few years down the road you find you wish you had gotten rid of it, you can still sell it.  If you're happy you still have that memory then keep it.  Just remember if you sell it or something you can't get it back...  So I'd err on the side of caution and keep it if you're not quite sure.

  7. That's really up to you.  I saved mine.  Styles may change, but I hope that maybe one day my stepdaughter, or if I have children of my own, might want to use part of it in their dress.  Plus I'd hate to give it up for sentimental reasons.

  8. How do you know your daughter won't wear it?  My cousin wore my grandmother's wedding gown - just a few alterations, and it was beautiful!!!

  9. You could save it, because like you say, you might miss it later on! However, to have it stored professionally can cost a lot of money and if you don't really want it anymore, is it worth shelling out all that money?

  10. Don't fall into the clutter trap.  Take photos of your dress. Take photos up close so that you can experience every detail. Then sell it and let a less well-off bride enjoy being married in your dress. You'll get some money for it as well.  And the knowledge that there were 2 happy brides in your dress.

  11. Only you can decide that

  12. It's your choice. I don't plan on saving mine. I'll be donating it to GoodWill or one of the bridal gown drives that benefits charity. My thoughts are that I had MY dress, wore MY dress and love MY dress. After my wedding, I think it would be great for someone else who can't afford a big fancy dress to be able to try on my dress and feel the way I felt about it without the heavy pricetag. I'll have plenty of pictures to remember it by and also the feeling of making someone ELSE feel beautiful ( =

    Good luck!

  13. I am not for saving wedding dresses.  It is a day you will never forget and you don't need the dress as a reminder.  If you want to sell it, do so.  If you want to keep a part of it and just discard the rest, cut out a pretty piece and frame it.  I don't think you will be sorry you didn't save it.

  14. Have it made into something like a quilt, pillows, or save a piece.  

  15. If you do not want it let it go. You can sell it like you said or just give it away.

  16. You could save it or if you can afford it have someone make a christening gown out of it then you can use it when you have kids. I saved mine for about 25 years and wore it as a costume a couple of times then tossed it.  If you aren't going to save your dress maybe you should look into renting one.  You can get a more expensive dress for your money and then don't have to store it afterwards.

  17. I think you should save it :(  You could even wear it in your coffin when you pass away! Lol!

  18. I would save it if I were you. My grandparents just celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary and at their party my Grandma had a wedding dress and shoes displayed, it was so fun to see something from 1958! Your grandchildren will love to see it some day or even play dress up in it. Keep it! If storage really is an issue ask a friend with more space than you to keep it at their house until you have more room for it.

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