
Should abortion be illegal?

by Guest61819  |  earlier

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Should abortion be illegal?




  1. It is my opinion that is should not be illegal completely. Of course after a certain point, I think that the fetus becomes aware partially at least and should not be allowed to be aborted unless there is a medical/legal reason. For me it is 20 weeks.

    All rape cases should certainly be able to abort. I know some people say  they can have the kid then give them up, but for the time it takes to have it, their lives will be in trouble. People may think, if it a teenager, that she chose to have s*x and they will tell her what a mistake SHE made and not know the truth.It is hard enough on rape victims as it is.

    Another reason for abortion is if the mother requires life saving drugs that would cause mental/physical problems, or out right kill the fetus.

    The last reason (and I would agree with abortion up to the 24 week) would be if a women went to get an abortion and was tricked by the FALSE abortion clinic to make it so she would be unable to get an abortion before it becomes illegal. People do not have the right to trick another just because they feel it is against their own belief.

    Freedom of religion; not do this so my god is happy and to bad about what you believe.

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