
Should adoption agencies be held to another standard?

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Here's a can of worms. almost all the laws regarding adoption and foster care in most states are tied directly to CPS, DHS, statutesand laws. shouldn't the private agencies that are dealing specifically with newborns and infants be held to a higher standard and accountability. Should timelines and what not be involved with private adoptions? cps and other depts. have a 1 year deadline but agencies have no set time limits to terminate parents and can infact drag these on indefinetly. I would also like to hear ideas on how to improve and standardize adoption law and adoptee laws nationally. both sides of the fence please answer here and/or via email. it's past time we fix this. i'm also looking for perosnnal adoption/adoptee stories and opinions(email these confidentiality assured)




  1. The problems is the ENTIRE child welfare system from public to private entities needs to be overhauled and restructured. The welfare of children regardless of age should be treated THE SAME!!!

    One possible solution could be for the feds to step in and make the laws universal...therefore one state cannot sidestep another's laws. Some states have very strict definite laws and others have many "gray" areas that are left to interpretation by judges who are appointed and may have no experience in the family law arena.

    I belive there should be VERY definite time lines. It is unfair to make children wait indefinitely while bonding with one set of parents to then be returned to another in the event of appeals.

    But unfortunately with enough money one can drag out any case indefinitely.....celebrities do it all the time.

    And remember this does not just happen in adoption there are many parents who divorce that can not work out custodial agreements and rely on a judge who make take many months to decide. This is equally unfair to those children also.

  2. Poster Above Me: Amen to you! I couldn't agree more.

    I think adoption has changed from helping children to making money and that to me is a huge problem. I have list of things I'd like to see change in regards to any adoption.

    1. Get rid of putative father registries. It's dehumanizing. A father is a father and deserves to parent his child if wants to do so.

    2. A waiting period for both mother and father before consents can be signed.

    3.Get rid of pre-birth matching. It just begs for unnecessary pressure.

    4. A reasonable amount of time to revoke consent. I don't propose a long period because stability and security are important but even judges agree that having time to reflect would prevent a lot of heartache.

    5. Enforceable Open Adoption Agreements

    6. A Federally regulated law so that state-hopping becomes moot.

    7. Abolishment of sealed OBC's. Adoptees are people just like the rest of us and deserve to have access to their history and heritage. I think this is especially important in terms of medical history.

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