
Should adoption be used as a form of birth control?

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It seems adoption is often used as the alternative to abortion. And while most people probably agree that abortion shouldn't be used as a form of birth control, should we really be pushing adoption as a way to deal with unwanted pregnancies?




  1. Oh h**l no!  It is an option AFTER the fact that the lack of or misuse of birth control didn't work out.  It would be sad to think that a woman would choose not to use any method of birth control simply because she feels that if she were to get pregnant she could just get rid of the babe.

    In your statement it's not about unwanted pregnancies or she would use a form of birth control that wouldn't allow her to be pregnant in the first's about unwanted children & disposing of them after birth which is not birth control.

  2. NO, condoms are the way forward! Abortion is not a way of birth control but I do belive that if you want to abort, people should not be pressured into not aborting. Nor should they be pressued into keeping a baby they dont want. For instance, if someone was pregnant, and they didnt want to have the baby, but didnt want to abort and decided to adopt it out, then why should they have the pressure of people telling them that they can provide for the baby etc? Shoudnt it be down to the woman? I know that most people on here are trying for this whole " an adoptee chould stay with the bio mother" thing, but why be pushed into keeping a child? Rather adopt than abort. No one should judge anyone until they have been in that situation themselves!

  3. I would never have a child adopted in my country because I know what kind of families children are placed with, many are abusive, and you have no say in the matter. Better to not live at all than to live in misery.

  4. There are thousands of couples that want a baby but cannot conceive, so obviously adopting is their best bet. Someone's "unwanted" pregnancy is someone else's wanted baby.

    I really don't see how you can compare abortion to adoption....

  5. Hi Lillie,

    No, adoption should never be used as a form of birth control.

    This question got me thinking.  It appears that the people who are adamently opposed to abortion and push adoption as the alternative, tend to be the SAME people who are also opposed to s*x education for our teens and are opposed to available, reliable contraceptives for them!  It's a given that humans are sexual beings, so denying them any alternatives naturally leads to some pregnancies.

    This leads to the conclusion that some people would actually desire that unplanned pregnancies continue to occur in other people, so as to provide babies that could possibly become available for adoption for families who want babies.  

    This line of logic is disturbing because it's basically encouraging the bringing of babies into the world for the express purpose of separating them from their natural families.  This makes it look like creating & maintaining a steady stream of adoptees for needy families must be more important than what happens to the adoptees or the natural mothers.

    If children later become in need of services that require a new family that is one thing, and that is where adoption should enter into the picture.  But to create a human only to give it away is wrong.  Every child deserves to be wanted by their families.  

    Birth control is about options.  Not options for another person, but options for each individual whose body and life is affected by that pregnancy.  By the time a child is born, it is far too late to think about birth control for that pregnancy.  Adoption has nothing to do with birth control at all.  Thanks for asking.

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  6. What the h**l?

    Careful planning is the way. If you are not ready, don't do it. If you do it, do it responsibly!!!

    What is the point to have the baby if you cannot even be a responsible mother?! That is crazy. It's like buying a pet then expecting your neighbours to feed it, run it and care for it.

    Imagine the hurt the baby will experience, and the emotional scars he will have to bear just knowing that he was born UNWANTED. And the mother (men almost feel nothing, especially if they have no love towards the woman) would be emotionally unstable as well.... knowing that she gave away something inside of her that she carried for 9 months.

    Total nonsense. If you are not mature enough to handle the results, don't play the game.

    Birth control is what it is - birth CONTROL. Don't give birth!


  7. Its better to kill the child? Give me a break. Adoption gives the child a chance, abortion doesn't. Maybe one day people will quit being so stupid and realize any time they have s*x it can make a baby.

  8. listen to what you are saying here= ADOPTION AS A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL= adoption gives life and  does not take the life of a baby- abortion does.  What is wrong with adoption, this never ceases to amaze me.  There are and always will be unplanned pregnancies- so what if a girl or woman to do- if she cannot raise her child for whatever reason- she has 2 choices- abort or place for adoption. I was a baby conceived by a woman who could not raise me- just because she got pregnant with a child that she could not raise that does not make it easy - that she chose to place me for adoption.  Abortion is the only other alternative-  I would not be here if she chose that- and either would my 2 adopted children- if their birth moms chose abortion- because there was no way to raise them. How would you deal with an unplanned pregnancy- if you knew that you could not raise your son or daughter?  There is no other option but abortion and adoption.



    should not be a question here should there?

  9. What else are they going to do with those babies?  Dump them in the garbage??  So many people are just dying to become parents, they should be so lucky to be able to bring home an unwanted and unplanned for baby.  What is wrong with adoption???

  10. adoption as birth control??  nooooooo, birth control prevents conception; adoption and abortion are "answers" when birth control or otherwise unplanned pregnancy occurs.

    I'm not going to preach about abortion.  However, I do believe adoption is a much better alternative to abortion.   I don't think adoption is pushed too much.  seems like people know it's an option but more often than not a woman will keep a secret (have an abortion) or be a "good mom" and keep the baby (because that's what all good moms do, right?).  I don't think adoption is offered enough as another choice to an unplanned pregnancy.

    The stigma of unwed motherhood and welfare assistance has been removed.  As such, young girls think they're women by having a baby and being a mom.  One could question if it is a good thing.  I'm sure somewhere out there, there are stats regarding how many 13 - 18 year old moms finish their education and live below the poverty level.  Is adoption a better option to a child living on the streets without stability?  yes, i think so.

    I think adoption is a great alternative to raising a child when you are unprepared for it.

  11. I had an abortion when i was 16 as i was told it was the best thing to do, my BF said he'd leave me if i had the baby. Ive always regreated it. Wish i had put it up for adoption instead.

    *Everyone* makes mistakes in life, and no one is perfect.

    Its not my fault Adam decided to get Eve pregnant, i didnt ask to be born either...

  12. I think this is a really good question. I've been thinking a lot about the idea that all babies who are conceived should be born and the babies that are unwanted should be given up for adoption. I just don't agree that adoption is the best way to deal with unwanted pregnancies. There are many risks involved with giving birth and the idea that because someone somewhere can't have children but wants them, and I can but do not want them...I"m obligated to give birth for them.

    In other words (an analogy)

    If I wanted to go to college but I couldn't pass the SAT's (and let's just say for argument's sake that you HAVE to pass to get into ANY school) and I tried and tried and tried but just couldn't pass no matter how hard I studied. Then, there YOU are and you pass with flying colors and you have the ability to pass over and over again. Should you be required to take the test for me? Of course not, it's not your responsibility in the least. Most people would say, I need to cut my losses and move on.

    I know most people will be appalled, they'll sit back, gasp, and say "but a baby isn't simply a test, a baby is precious and wonderful, and beautiful...therefore every singe one should be born regardless of anything"

    All I can say is...we don't see eye to eye.

  13. adoption is a much better choice. did u know that there are more women in this country having abortions than there are couples wanting to adopt? its true.

  14. i think it's an arugment of semantics.  which is why the adoption is the alternative to abortion argument is so flawed.

    first, in order for something to be considered "birth control", it would have to prevent pregnancy and childbirth!  

    speaking from my own experience and those of many young women i've worked with in my career, those who didn't desire birth, neither desired to become pregnant..

    hence, attempts were made to prevent pregnancy by the use of birth control; or birth (if birth control failed/was not used) by the use of abortion.  

    adoption is not part of the equation.

    so no. i do not believe that adoption is birth control...

  15. It's not even comparable to abortion.  Abortion, although not the greatest solution in my own personal thoughts, does actually "control" birth.  Adoption isn't birth control, as it's about giving birth.

    Many women just plainly and simply do not wish to carry to term.  This scenario will always exist, just as it always has throughout the history of the human race.   particularly if it means giving away their child.  

    Some women, however (I know some of these women) chose abortion because the thought of carrying to term only to give their child away was an incredibly painful option.

    For those who want to increase births over abortion, perhaps greater services (not necessarily "government" services) should be available to help them keep their babies if the prospect of giving up the child is too painful, yet they feel they haven't the means to provide for a child.  Instead of more adoption agencies, how about more agencies dedicated to helping women keep their children if money is the only thing keeping them from doing so?

  16. Wow the answer saying better to not live then live in misery? Well if a family can afford the legal fees there are with adopting a child then they really want the child. To your question the adoption issues is not pushed as much as you would think. I was an unwed mother with both of my girls and adoption was not ever offered to me but abortion was...(my girls are with me and fine and healthy as horses) Other people outside of the medical facilities are the ones who push the Adoption issues. But I think neither one should be used as a form of birth control. If you are big enough to lay down you know the reactions that it causes. There are to many places that give free contraceptives. And i know people are going to say well what about rape....(that always come up in a question asked like this) Yes rape is a HORRIBLE thing and no body should ever but they do. And that is where my faith and beliefs come in that children are a gift from God and if the Lord wanted to give you that gift it was for a reason. We may not know it you may not like but it just is.

  17. Isn't it better then killing a baby?

  18. Of course adoption should not be used as a form of birth control.  Apparently, considering the most recent statistics, many people use abortion as a means of birth control.  Last week it was reported that slightly less than 1 in 5 pregnancies were ended in abortion.  I find these numbers staggering and offensive:

    One baby is aborted every 24 seconds

    147 babies are aborted every hour

    3,526 babies are aborted every day

    24,750 babies are aborted every week

    107,750 babies are aborted every month

    48,589,993  babies were aborted between 1973-2006

    That many people CHOSE not to parent.

    That many people decided that it was better to end a life than save it.

    Adoption should not be used as a form of birth control but neither should abortion.

    Adoption should be used as THE CHOICE if a woman choses not to parent.

    To answer your question, adoption should be pushed if the only other option considered is abortion.

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