
Should adults be valued more than kids?

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In today's society, everyone treats kids like they are most important, but the truth is that the older someone is, the more they can teach us and the more they know. If anything bad happens to a kid, parents can just have s*x again and make another one. So should kids really be protected more than adults?




  1. The issue is that generally speaking, children are unable to care for themselves.  As adults we can take care of ourselves and live independently.  I feel confident that I can protect myself physically, mentally and financially.  A child can't work or defend themselves or reason logically.

    Children need to be protected because they can't protect themselves to the same extent that adults can.

    That's not saying that elders should not be respected.  Respect and protection are two very different things.

  2. If I had that mentality...oh we can just have another, then I wouldn't give a sh*t about my kids. I would let them play in the street, with knives, lighters and not care about where they are at any moment in the day. I wouldn't feed them, clothe them, and I would keep them locked up in the basement in really bad conditions.

    Come on...what a totally stupid question. Just make another one?!?! This is coming from someone who seems a really immature and fickle. What are you, 12?

    You can't just make another one. You love the childen that you have more then anything else in this world. I protect my 9 month old more then I protect my 5 year old. At least she knows a lot more then my son does. But she still needs to be protected. She's a kid.

    Adults can protect themselves. By the time they grow up, they should know enough to make it by in the world.

    And thats why I am the mom, I teach my kids things and I know more then them.

  3. Yes children need the protection more than the adults. The gift that child bring to the world is their innocents, the need to be protected and guided.

  4. Children should always come first in my eyes. They are innocent and NEED to be protected.

    Speaking as a mother of three who has lost one child it is not possible to replace one child with another. That thought is absurd.

    All I can sum it up to is my favorite quote..

    "While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about"

  5. What kind of question is this? All life is important...did someone forget to wish you happy birthday?

  6. What are you talking about?  All people are important. My kids DO and ALWAYS will come first before any adult, but if my husband, older mom, or anyone needs my help, they can count on it.  I am my kids' only advocate......they are our future.

  7. children ARE indeed precious. but there does seem to be an exaggerated emphasis on over parenting these days

  8. if something bad happens to your kids, it's not that easy just to make more.  when you lose a child, you just don't replace them with more.  there's a lot of emotions involved.

  9. Adults have lived their life and kids should have a chance. I don't think either should be valued over another. What's the good of having a teacher if they can't teach anyone. Books were invented for a reason. While it is better for it to come directly from a source we all die sooner or later.  

  10. If you are a parent then your kids should be #1 up untill they are 18.

    If you are an adult taking care of your elderly parents then they should be #1.

    But other than that....

  11. All adults should learn and adopt a "pay it forward" approach.  Our kids are the future of this planet - their success makes us all feel immortal.  We pass down our efforts to the next generation and we must ask for nothing in return, except that they continue to work hard for the generation after that.

  12. Oh my gosh just make another one?that is an appalling statement

  13. no way. i'm 15, but i have this soft spot for old people. i'm like really protective on my grandma. lol.

    we should respect our elders! haha.

  14. ok...I do believe that elders are not given the amount of attention and respect and care that they deserve and have earned.  The older someone is the more they may have to teach us.  However, I really do not understand your reasoning.  You are basically saying that children are dispensable.  Why aren't you then?  Yes a child has many years to learn but again, they have many years to contribute to society as well.  I mean really, what have you done that makes you any more valuable than a child?  You never know what each child is capable of.  Your reasoning can very easily be flipped to say that elders have already contributed what they are going to in this world.  Personally, i don't believe that one is more dispensable than the other.  Children need more protection because they are less capable of taking care of themselves as adults are(I thought that was pretty obvious).  I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here and guess that you don't have any children.  Please watch the comments.  As a parent who has lost a child let me say that your implication that I can just 'have s*x again and make another' is not only ridiculous, uncaring and hurtful, but just plain ignorant.  And it only proves my point that age doesn't always equal wisdom.

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