
Should affirmative action be abolished?

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Affirmative action was always for black people because of racial discrimination in our society but if barak is elected should these laws still be in place considering we just elected a black man to the highest office in the land?




  1. Yes,never was designed to help anyone.It was designed to handicap whites and foment racial agitation.

  2. Slavery was abolished, When can we be melanin neutral? That is the dream affirmative action destroys. Ignore the Who and always the focus on the Whom.

  3. Yes.

  4. Affirmative Action has always been a mistake. it has caused little more than reversed the discrimination, and has caused many people to have positions for which they were not qualified for. This has done nothing but hurt our country from the Government to industry.

  5. yes,god helps those who help themselfs

  6. Yes, all it is is reverse racism.  Instead of favoring the majority it favors the minority over the majority.  More then that, despite the circumstances of people in life, why should a black get into college instead of a white, or even vice versa.  Colleges should take people on the merits of their work, not on govt scantioned quotas or Affirmitive Action.  It should never have been signed into law and should be abolished.

  7. Yes, it's a crock.  Affirmative action? how about affirmative action for white people? Currently where I work I'm the only white person on my team at the office and a token white person where I work.  

  8. well, the problem is then all you have running the country is dopes like Bush whoes "legacy" got him "Gentlemans C" to guarantee him passing and getting along in life with the Honarable Sheepskin of a High Quality School~!!

    when in fact, some kid with a shade of darker skin shootin craps in the alley may be much more qualified to do the job that Bush is doing, but would never have a chance otherwise, because of the BLATANT CRONYISM~!!!

    ( i can hear all the huffing and puffing as we speak )~!!!

  9. Yes!!! It is a reverse racism and it's unacceptable. Politicians are afraid to speak out against it for a fear of being labeled racists. There needs to be a grassroots movement to abolish this.  

  10. Google Ward Connerly for further vindication of your statements.

  11. Affirmative action was created and signed into law by former President Richard Nixon.

    Richard Nixon created Affirmative Action for the purpose of creating a political wedge issue.

    Also Richard Nixon was quoted as saying that Affirmative Action would  punish white liberal students by denying them places in graduate schools, law schools and medical schools.

    Also Richard Nixon saw Affirmative Action as a means to deflect demands for more Federal Spending to improve the quality of inner city schools.

    Affirmative Action was a way to get people who had inferior educations from inner city schools into high profile Universities and high profile jobs after graduation.

    Unfortunately those who came from poor quality schools and received inferior educations were left permanently handicapped in their ability to perform their jobs.

    Affirative Action is like an illegal addicitive drug.

    The Addicted drug user is the ultimate victim yet the addicted drug user is unable to kick the drug habit and must have more.

    That is where we are with Affirmative Action today.

    The people who have been moved ahead by Affirmative Action are addicted to Affirmative Action.

    Yet because Affirmative Action was used to blunt demands for improvement in inner city schools they are also permanently handicapped by inferior educations.

    A much better solution would have been to spend the money necessary to improve inner city schools until people graduating from those schools had educations that would permit them to be competitive with any other applicant.

  12. Yes. Skills should be what qualifies a person for a career, not race. Having race as a qualifing factor is racism, just as voting for Obama because he is black. I can understand blacks being proud of him. But a vote for him should be cast because of a belief in his policies.

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