
Should africa still blame colonialism for its economic problems

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africa`s economic problems should note be blamed on external forces




  1. For all its negative side it was colonialism that exposed Black Africa to the modern world in the same way that the Romans brought the benefits of civilization to Europe.

  2. There are 57 countries in Africa and some of the have done quite well since the end of colonialism so it is more than just the negative economic effects of colonialism that accounts for the poverty of many of them. It is likely that the biggest negative legacy  arises from the fact that when the colonial powers left that  national borders were drawn without regard for tribes, language and customs of the people so  natural governing unit were not used to form countries. This lead to civil wars in some countries and corruption in many  because the people  did not have any  sense of national unity. Groups within a country used the government to  enrich themselves with bad government policies that produced  slow economic growth. We see the same problems in other regions of the world where national borders were drawn  arbitrary. That is their problems  are no longer external, but there is  still  negative effects from the legacy of colonial rule  in much of Africa as well as the middle east and as we see in todays news the empire of the soviat union in eastern europe.

  3. I agree with the first poster.

    Look at Zimbabwe.  It was doing well, it was the breadbasket of Africa then president Robert Mugabe stepped in, killed off the white farmers and then the country's agriculture-based economy collapsed and there were huge food and fuel shortages.  The country is actually doing much worse now.  

  4. Africa's problem is lack of education and corruption. Solve those two problems and Africa will be the next Europe.

    But you cant have a wealthy nation when the government fails to provide a decent level of education. Because ignorant people cannot start businesses or realize that they should be selling the gold,diamonds, etc instead of allowing foreigners to pay a few fat cats money to rob the people of their natural resources.

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