
Should all cars have a Breathalyzer on them?

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What do you think?

I don't think it violates any civil rights...

Would it prevent anything or would you just have someone else not drunk blow for you?




  1. It's a good idea I think, but would the use of mouthwash or medications containing some alcohol affect them?

  2. No. Think about it...would you want to blow your car every time before it would start? lol. This safety device would apply to you as well.

  3. Well, it /definitely/ wouldn't violate anyone's rights, since no one has a right to drive while intoxicated.

    But, I'm unsure exactly how this would work?

    I think, if anything, it would be inconvenience enough to stop drunk driving. I doubt someone would go through the trouble of having a sober person blow for them. The drunk person would be inconvenienced, and then just let the sober person drive.

  4. Well, if you're going to go to the trouble of having this installed in your vehicle then why bother having someone else that's not intoxicated blow in there. It's like playing Russian Roulette with your life as well as the others on the rd. Why take that risk ?  Your reaction time is off when buzzed but, even more so when you're drunk. Not only for safety measures think about the jail time, loss wages from your job, there's too many risk factors to take that chance. I'd make sure to have a designated driver or take a cab if I felt like tieing a good one on! For the partyers this may come in handy to let you know that whoa, I'm too wasted call me a cab! so, there's pros & cons to a lot of things including this.

    Like you said if you're wasted and your sober friend breathes in it then that's defeating the purpose. I'm sure it would happen. Good ? chewing gum effects the read out as well as mouthwash as another post mentioned. So, no breath mints, gum, mouthwash none of that stuff should be used if you want an accurate reading. Whose going to clean up the slobber afterwards. a breeding ground for bacteria !!

  5. It would be nice but the price of the car plus the maintenance would be too high..........

    Just dont drink and drive.

  6. Heck, no.  It would just be something else to go wrong on the vehicle.  Would it work sub-zero?  I doubt it.  How about over 120 degrees F. ?  No.  A fly climbs in?  Yuck.  Someone else drooling into it in your car?  Again, Yuck.  Let the cops do what they're paid to do.

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