
Should all children receive health care?

by  |  earlier

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It looks like they don't even want any health care so why force the issue?




  1. Yes, all children should receive health care.

    But the Parents should pay for it. You pay for your kids, I pay for mine.

    As things are now, I pay for my kids and someone Else's by way of Social Programs and tax credits for people that didn't even pay any in!

    Our country is indeed in poor shape. Not but a few have any sense of personal responsibility.

    Hungry? Get a job and buy food.

    Need Medical Care? Get a job that offers it or buy your own.

    Need a place to stay? work and pay rent or mortgage.

    Can't afford Kids? DONT HAVE THEM!

  2. Haha, that's cute!

  3. If their lazy parents would get off their fat @ss and get a job they would have it.  Why should I have to work to support myself AND everyone else?

  4. Of course they should.

    You need a lot better source than the onion if you want to make a serious point.

  5. You do realize that The Onion is a satirical website, don't you?

  6. No, guaranteed health care is only for the rich. Every good republican knows that.

  7. I think that the question should be should all americans receive health care.. If thrid world contries can provide FREE health care for all there citizens then this should not be an issue with the USA to provide health care to all americans.. I have known people that needed major surgury and have moved to other contries to receive the operation that they could not afford in the US for reason NO Insurance.. that says to me that our country only cares about the rich.. FREE HEALTH CARE FOR ALL..

  8. I don't see why not.


    its useless satirical literature.

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