
Should all people be spayed and neutered to reduce the population?

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I think that we should spay and neuter all humans to cause a reduction in population. It works for dogs and cats. The cat I bought from the pound was spayed and she never had kittens. Now she's a handbag. But I digress- in order to have a major impact, should we not cause the extinction of the human race and allow the planet to return to a state of normalcy?




  1. I don't think that's what Bob Barker had in mind!  Stop sniffing that catnip & save some for your cat.

  2. we should but that is our responsibility to do that for ourselves

  3. Not only is that immoral and illegal, it isdownright wrong.  Who are you to say who can and can't reproduce?  It isn't even a big issue in the United States, since we are a very well-to-do nation.  Sterilization is not something that should be considered for human beings.  I think you need your head examined.

  4. In many countries, the US included, there is a very low birth rate.  It is mainly in developing countries that there is a danger of overpopulation.

    Click on this link to see the numbers.  There is even a color coded map.

  5. only you

  6. This WOULD be the best solution for the planet, however, I don't think we'll be able to get the population of a democratic society to agree to it.  To proceed without their knowledge, I would recommend putting a drug in the general water supply.

    Barring that, I do think that we should _at_least_ give "no children" tax breaks and other monetary incentives to humans who continue to NOT reproduce.  If you dont have a kid, you get benefits.  This would encourage people to choose not to reproduce.

    China really has it on the ball.  They might not give a damned about human rights, but at least their cutting their population in half.

  7. uhhh.  you don't get out much . . . do you??

  8. Well, personally, I don't want to see the death of all humans.  I think we are a natural part of the planet also and think that eliminating ourselves is a ridiculous idea and contrasts with the natural instincts of all life.  

    On the other hand, there are several people that I think SHOULD be spayed and neutered.  Pedophiles, child abusers, etc.  I've noticed that in many cases the worst parents seem to be the best breeders.  I've seen several cases of people who have had their children taken away for various reasons just wait and have MORE children.  The one that got me the most was a woman who married a man while he was in prison.  He was there for raping his 3 year old daughter.  She had a 1 year old daughter at the time they were married.  When he was released a year later her daughter was removed from the home.  He could not legally live with a child that age and she chose him over the child.  Then she got pregnant.  The state had planned to remove the child at birth, while the couple argued that they could not take the child because it is genetically his and was born after he served his time.  He should not have been allowed to remain able to father a child.  

    Reducing the human population is a wonderful concept that people will sadly, never accept.  We don't need to eliminate humanity, but we really do need to reduce our numbers.  That's one reason that people like my husband and myself have elected to adopt instead of having our own genetic children.  There are plenty of children that need parents without creating more.

    One note on why it is so important for cats and dogs to be spayed and neutered is because 7 kittens and puppies are born for every human.  There simply are not enough homes for all of them.  A family of four would have to keep 28 animals in their homes at all times.  That's a lot of fur, food and f***s.  With the rate of breeding, animal population can grow MUCH faster than the human population.  

    Take 1 female cat.  She can have 2 litters each year, and the average litter is 6 cats.  But assume that she has only 2 females each litter.  Each female can begin having her own kittens in just 6 months.  Let's limit each of THEM to only 2 females per litter.  In 10 years, when that first mother is beginning to stop breeding, you have a total of 2,324,522,934

    FEMALE cats.  If each cat had that average litter of 6, she had 4 males also.  That means we have 9,298,091,736 MALE cats.  A grand total of 11,622,614,670 cats born in 10 years as a result of a single unspayed female and unneutered male.

  9. Spaying and neutering is just one of many options that would be considered to cause the extinction of the human race.  It's a medical approach to the problem.  You would need to look at the supply of medical staff available to do the operations to determine if there is enough system capacity to use this approach.

    Other approaches could include viral or biological agents to generate sterility in humans.  Those could affect other animals though if they mutated.

    You also need to factor in the deconstruction of human capital, equipment and pollution sources into the timeline of reduction of the human population.  If we didn't plan how to mitigate the ecological effects of existing infrastructure, the extinction of the human race could actually have a net negative effect on the overall health of the world's ecosystem.

    By, the way it's kind of a silly question, but I thought I'd give you an unsilly answer.

  10. i think that's whats sort of happening naturally with infertility caused by  STDs

  11. No we should not. It works for cats and dogs because they have SEVERAL offspring at a time like every time. The same can not be said for humans. The reason there are so many humans is because we have so much unprotected s*x which leads to an exorbitant amount of babies.

  12. I think that would be great, if it were reversable, say when the person gets a job and starts paying their taxes.  Not the extinction part, but yes, we should reduce our population and nations like the US should set the example.

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