
Should all pit roads have an outside wall?

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Just a safety thought to protect the guys on pit road BEFORE something happens. What do you think?




  1. history shows not much has happend like that and at smaller tracks they have the outside wall, its really more of the bigger tracks that dont have an outside wall where they have alot of grass dividing the track and pit so that is usualyl enough to slow the car down if there is something bad happening so until something bad happens at one of the bigger tracks and the car makes it that far to pit road and then comes close to maybe injuring someone then no it is safe as it is

  2. That would be a good idea. There is still too much danger to the crews.........

  3. they'll put'em up soon as someone gets killed

  4. No i feel the way it is now is good.  

  5. I think it's a good idea. There have been some pretty close calls with wrecks and cars sliding into the pits the past few years but I think for Nascar to step up and actually make it mandatory for all tracks they race at to have one someone will probably have to get seriously hurt. Thats usually how new safety features come about in this sport, something drastic has to happen like in 2001 before major changes are made.

  6. Yes!  The sooner the better. Waiting until somebody gets killed is not the answer. Pit road is a dangerous place as any race fan knows.  :))

  7. I say we should speed up pit road a little. Not much, but a little. 60 mph is too SLOW.

    then again, it'd suck to have pit crew members injured each week.

  8. I think it would be safer if only the small tracks have an outside wall. There's usually enough room where crew people and officials could get out of the way. And under green flag racing the crew and officials are usually behind the wall anyhow. I think it's more dangerous for crew members and officials if there's a wall out there keeping the cars from avoiding each other. If there's a wall there the cars could collide and get pushed into crew members and officials.  

  9. Don't you mean "Pit lane"? Well in real racing it's called Pit Lane.

  10. I dont think so.  On the tracks with pit road right next to the track yes but on the quad ovals, Talledaga, and Daytona there is usually a lot of grass between the track and the pit road.  You also see cars getting run onto the grass once in awhile so its nice to have a little extra room to keep from tearing up cars if possible.

  11. Yeah I do. I remember a Craftsman truck race earlier this year, a driver was spun on the dog leg coming out of turn 4 and skidded across the grass and spun right before he hit the wall that the pit crews come over. It stopped just before the wall. Just think if they had hit it, no safer barrier and the lives of the pit crew guys.

  12. Yes I think that is a good idea.

  13. I agree there are so many close calls there.  I am surprised they haven't done it by now, it's only a matter of time and they will.

  14. If NA SCAR has spent a ton of money on a safer car seems only Right to have a wall for safety reasons

  15. I think it would bring synchronicity to the tracks.

    If they all had the outside wall, it would be safer for sure.

    But Nascar will wait until someone else gets killed then mandate it.

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