
Should altruism become a subject in school curriculii?

by Guest59992  |  earlier

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Should altruism become a subject in school curriculii?




  1. Yes altruism and making good chicken curry too can become a subject in school curriculii so that people can live in harmony and eat chicken curry and boiled rice and enjoy their life

  2. I presume you're Irish, well no, I do not think so, i am pretty sure they tried to instill those basic tenets of an altruistic lifestyle in primary and secondary school, through religious education and the fruits of the spirit and communion and confirmation. If we have not gotton it by now, then we really are diabolical heathens! It would be a very short curriculum subject, I think. Be kind and selfless. Ok.Bye

    I have no idea why I got two thumbs down? I was not pejorative or deroagatory to you and i gave a valid answer, how ridiculous!

  3. If nobody's gonna teach it at home, then who is? Personally I think it's a great idea.

  4. Only if they also teach egoism (not to be confused with egotism).

  5. Selfishness and greed typify society nowadays and they needs to be countered. So, yes, altruism should play a big part of teaching in schools and colleges.

  6. Yes. In the Age of the Working Woman, parents actually get very little time with the children to teach them basic social skills and manners, let alone morals. My school used to have Moral Science (I was 7 years old at the time) before it was scrapped as a part of the syllabus. I did pick up some important stuff I am thankful for. There is increasing emphasis on better marks and grades for jobs and college admissions, so life skills and altruism take a back seat.

    It is needed more today than ever, since (as another answerer points out), we live in a greedy, money-hungry and opportunistic world devoid of morals.

  7. No, morality should be taught in the home.  School is intended to help the child advance in his/her educational prowess.

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