
Should america eliminate all minimum wage laws?

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Should america eliminate all minimum wage laws?




  1. no because then bosses would pay employers as little as possible.

    its hard enough just making minimum wage. gas is ridiculous. and making below minimum wage would, i think, increase the percentage of homelessness.

  2. no because its not fair to everyone thats got minimum wage jobs already or anyone and are barely making it by with the money we get each check. im going to college soon which is gonna be taking all my money from working the past 2 years. i'm not even a person with a car to be spending insurance and gas on. and im still not going to have enough money just for my own enjoyment like someone said that the younger ppl just spend it on fun stuff and clothes..people with minimun wage jobs need the money just the same as everyone else does.

    i've even asked my manager the same question as you for my economics class survey while i was in high school and he himself said no because if he got to choose our wages, he'd pay us the cheapest possible and we wouldnt be able to afford life.

    so NO. if anything, it could & should go up

  3. This would increase employment, and give people just starting out in life a chance to gain some work experience and show what they can do.

  4. It would help stabilize unemployment. When the govt raises minimum wage for unskilled laborers, employers hire fewere./

  5. Why would we ?

  6. For what reason?  Most pay way above that anyway.  The few untrained workers that work for minimum wage need protection against greed.  It is not hurting the economy or the business owners.   I would agree to take it away if all employers furnished health insurance.  They won't because that would cost them money.  How many minimum wage workers do you think have health insurance?

  7. Yes, at least for adolescents.  An adult may be trying to make a living while the adoelscent is making "pocket" money to pay for car, clothes, fun stuff.

  8. Since there is no authority in the Constitution of the United States for the federal government to set a "minimum wage", federal wage laws should be repealed.  Check with your state constitution regarding the state's authority.  If there is none, the laws should be repealed.

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