
Should amir have won the ufc season 7????

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Should amir have won the ufc season 7????




  1. yes he should have. cb did it the first time. he taps once so the guy realizes it and loosens but the ref doesnt think its a tap. ive herd of it before but it didnt work both times. amir deserves it he beat him 2x now.

  2. Yes. CB clearly tapped out. He may not of meant it, it might of just been an impulse...but it was still a tap.

  3. Obviously so. He was the only fighter in the house to go undefeated. He was picked by the best guys on the other team because they thought he was an easy victory. He beat CB "lips" twice with the same move. CB is a freakin joke. I don't see how this question can be asked. Yes, he deserves to win.

  4. yes definitely, and I agree with what an earlier poster said, no one thought Amir would have any chance to win anything...I read on supposed hardcore mma message boards asking why a 0-0 guy should be on TUF and that he was a joke and would lose in the 1st week.  

    Amir not only deserved to win but he should win the respect of a lot of these so called MMA junkies...he was never and I mean never favored to win any of his fights...and yet not only did he win em all he did it within 2 rounds.

    If CB really was the best fighter in the house how did he lose to a 0-0 fighter who submitted him with the same move twice.

    finally I challenge any so called MMA fan to shut their mouths when evaluating a fighter until they see what he can do or yoou get in the ring with him.

  5. yeah cause either way you look at it cb was gonna tap cause he had that arm bar deep! so even if he didnt tap he would have eventually

  6. yes sir

  7. Of course he did! He won the fight, not to mention beat the overwhelming favorite twice, of course he deserves it. After watching the preliminary fights leading up to this TUF season I asked the question "Who do you think will win this season?" I had over 20 responses and EVERYONE of them said CB. I stated that I thought Amir could be a dark horse and somebody to watch out for. I was laughed at, told I was stupid, and told I knew nothing about MMA. One guy even went as far as to say that it was fans like me, who make stupid comments like that, that ruins all MMA for the "real" fans out there!! Hmmmm, how you like me now?!?!?

  8. Yes, and he did.  He was the best fighter on the show, hands down.  Fun to watch because he never seems to be worried in a fight.

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