
Should an MMA orginization?

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Should they buy everyone out? Imagine that if the UFC got every fighter. MMA would get a whole lot more popular. I think that all the presidents of each originazation should make 1 huge organization.




  1. What you're describing is monopoly.  Which isn't good for a sport.

    UFC has already expressed it wants ONLY the best and 'professional' fighters.  If they had all MMA fighters under their contract you would not see an equal opportunity for fighters to gain notoriety.  They also do their own match ups.  Not a whole lot is in the fighters control.  At least with multiple organizations you have competitive pay and contract options.

    There is a positive side.  With all the different organizations out there you have different stables of fighters who may never fight each other.  So you have a star in one org and a star in another and you want to see them fight?  Multi-orgs usually won't cross promote.  Each wants to be king of the hill.  It's not about the fighters, it's about the org.  So with one org you have a large pool to play in.

    I just hope it doesn't go the way of boxing where you have managers and stingy fighters who want to protect their record by fighting cans in title defenses.

  2. To tell you the truth I think that its good to get competition for the UFC, But I agree there are too many organizations. This spreads the talent out too much and some organizations are stubborn and won't cross-promote so we will never get the see the best fights possible. But I like the UFC with its partner WEC to mold fighters and come up to the UFC later. For the rest of the organizations I think Affliction is definitely going in the right direction. They have signed some big name fighters and are having one of the best cards I have ever seen coming up in July.

  3. The problem with that is that not every fighter wants to fight in the UFC. The UFC doesn't pay as good as other orginizations, unless your name is Chuck Liddell. Kieth Jardin only made $10,000 in his last fight. If he had won he would be a title contender. That just isn't right. Another thing that isn't right is that Kimbo made more in his last fight than Anderson Silva made in his. What a joke.

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