
Should an age limit be imposed on R&S as it seems the majority of trolls are under aged?

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I don't mind debating and discussing religious issues with people of faith and people without faith. What I find disturbing is the amount of traffic that is generated from people who only have one thing in mind, and that is to terribly hurt their opponent with the most inhumane insults.

I firmly believe that most of these posters (I hope) are children under 18.

Is it not maybe time to keep them away from answering questions here. I know it will be difficult, but gosh, I am stunned by the amount of nonsense that gets published here.




  1. Oh Really? How young am I? I've been told we are all teenagers; but what could you know?

  2. I agree with you but actually most of the people on here are over 18. Sadly a lot of them are married with kids.

  3. An age limit is imposed.  I believe it is 13, problem is you cant stop the kiddies from logging in anyways.  I think most of the trolls are adults.

  4. I agree that something needs done but if you have an age limit these "youngsters" will just get on here and lie about there age.

    Plus, you know what? I think young people should be allowed on here. Our ministries extend beyong adulthood. We also answer questions that younger people ask.

    I have seen some excellent non-flaming questions asked by younger people and have even received e-mail from younger people telling me that I helped them with my answer.

    But again, I do agree that this forum gets way out of hand. People say and ask the stupidest things because they are trying to trash others and their beliefs. It's okay to ask what on the surface appears to be a dumb question. It's okay to answer such questions also. People ask because people want to know. But when you see questions asking about Christians s*x lives or the size of a Christian's p***s or What number comes after 9,308,712,564?

    That last one is stupid as well as off topic. That seems to be a norm for this forum. What we need is a monitor. Someone who allows or disallows posts. I found out that there is an auto monitor but I guess it just deletes posts with certain key words in them. Cuss words plus a few others I would imagine.

    So what we need is a monitor. Maybe one day that will happen. But we Christians still need to answer questions here because it's a mission field.

  5. Banning usually doesn't work.

    I remember a debate where people wanted the driving age to be raised to 21, because 17 year olds were inexperienced and often died in car crashes. It sounded OK until a police spokesman pointed out that instead of having inexperienced 17 year old drivers killing themselves, we'd just have inexperienced 21 year old drivers killing themselves.

    The real answer wasn't banning young drivers, but educating them.

  6. 18 and they get to pass my quz...boy do I wish huh??

    pagans need their own section...

    arent they in school at lunchtime??? foreigners could use their own boards..

  7. That's one of the best ideas I have heard on here in a while. They dotend to get on ones nerves.

  8. It would help.

  9. Why would 60 million odd people want to restrict themselves, just to suit your whimsy? I personally think these constant petty whinging questions ought to be deleted, but I choose not to force my will onto others, afterall this is meant to be a community of sorts.

    Fireball, I trust you mean all non Americans are foreigners here, well let me tell you that for foreigners we know your stupid game, congratulations on your umpteenth Inane, ill thought through answer and the umpteenth thumbs down from me.

  10. No.

  11. people need to toughen up.  There are "Trolls" in the real world that I have to deal with everyday.  Grow a pair and suck it up.

  12. Im 16, but I know where you are comeing from. Sadly though, I don't belive that it is all underage people, I think it it a majority of all people,  young and old. People with nothing else to do but be annoying and immature.

  13. How do you expect Yahoo! to enforce it?

  14. Unfortunately this one will get filed under "If only..." =(

  15. not only the young are immature

    you hope they are under 18, but I doubt they are

    the older you get, the more stubborn we become, unwilling to change

  16. It's a nice thought, but it wouldn't do anything to help.  As with myspace & other websites, anyone can fib a birth date.

  17. I strongly believe in an 'act your age' limit. I'm guillty of that on a few occasions and recognise it in some seriously poor responses from others. I've posted ridiculous questions for fun and kicks, but I've never been knowingly rude to other posters.  

  18. There is no doubt most of the trolls are kids but it would be difficult to enforce an age limit.  

  19. Are talking actual age as in years or mentality? Because I have met some REALLY immature people, who are older that I am and I'm 40-ish.

  20. Actually, I'd bet there are plenty of older, yet immature trolls.

    You can't fix stupid.

  21. lol..i can promise you that most of them are over the age of 18. sad isn't it?

  22. Good luck on that one, you will need it .

  23. There is an age limit, but how would you suggest that Yahoo stops the lying when someone registers?

  24. Yeh I know. I'm only four years old and I still manage to get under your skin. I'm gifted.

  25. The age limit is already 14...  

  26. why do you think that nonsense answers  are provided by under aged children?

    to answer your question it will be imposible to verify the age.

    what age are you ?

  27. And, because we live in a society of 'Politically Correct', it would probably be difficult to weed them out. Sad, isn't it?

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