
Should an environmental levy be imposed on SUV's not used in the farming community?

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Kindly explain "levy" as well.




  1. Hello,

    We drive a suv, and have to haul hay and such so this does not apply to us.

    I feel it is so STUPID to be driving a vehicle like we do if you do not have too!!

    We have to go to the city for my doctors. I have seen low rider suv's, suv's that have fancy paint jobs etc. (no way work trucks) and we just laugh. Why we would never have this thing if we did not have to have it!

    $110.00 bucks to fill the tank and this was in the city where gas is cheaper then out here, ridiculous!! The lady who pumped our gas (we are in Oregon) even commented on being glad she was not us. We said we wish we were not us at that moment either.

    So for those who want to be cool "cowboys" or whatever, grow up.

  2. A levy is simply a tax, nothing more.  And no, an environmental TAX should not be imposed.  Most of the time when some politician starts barking about environmental levies usually means that somewhere in their already astronomical budget, there's a shortage of funds, so instead of raising the already high taxes in existing areas, they create all sorts of new needs, and supposed programs that will be funded by these levies.  Then they will usually take a good chunk of the money from said levies and allocate them to other projects with the shortage of funds.  All of this done in the name of protecting the environment, when it really has nothing to with that, and more to do with taking more money away from the taxpayer.  And simply for the fact that someone owns an suv is not reason enough to tax them.  It's essentially punishment for buying a good in a free market economy.  Why should someone be punished for buying goods and services?  That's like the government saying, if you have air conditioning, you'll have to pay a penalty.  Does that sound fair?  The only thing these taxes do is unfairly  redistribute wealth and punish people for succeeding.

  3. A levy is just another word for TAX and NO we should not impose ANY additional taxes on ANYTHING. I would however support a bill the places a lifetime ban on people like you from voting. People like you are a large part of the problem in this country.

  4. I agree completely with what Magnus and Roadhazzard wrote.

  5. Levy is the charge imposed on a property , or activity , transaction etc to recover the amount due for its use, payable by a judgment in a lawsuit, taxation provisions etc.

    I think that would be a wonderful thing to do.  You know the Bush Administration provided a huge tax break for these things at the same time they killed off the viable electric cars and some related technology.  In some cases the tax break was more than the cost of the SUV.  That caused LOTS of people to buy them.

  6. No, it's just another tax, and taxes are bad.

  7. Should you be banned from drinking coffee because it kills the earth to farm it, process it, transport it and heat the water to drink it.


  8. they already pay a "levy" because of the reduced fuel economy. they pay $65 to$85 for fuel to drive 350 miles as opposed to $20 to$25 to drive the same distance in a small economy car.

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