Last yr, I plus four other girls rented an aptment. We each paid $625 for the $2500 security deposit. A couple mo's after we started living there, 1 girl decided to drop out of school &move back home. We weren't able to find a replacement since the semester already started &everyone had a place to live. Also, we thought it unfair of her to all of a sudden leave us to take care of her share of the rent, because she signed a contract that bound her for a full yr. B/c $$ was a huge reason why she decided to leave school, we agreed to let her pay only $150/mo. & we would take care of the rest. This raised what I paid to a little over $600/mo. and my other 2 roommates $500/mo. Finally, after a yr, she stopped paying b/c her lease was up. We found a new roommate for the next lease. HOWEVER, she asked me today (almost a yr. after she left) about getting her $625 for the deposit back since she's not living here anymore.
My understanding is that a deposit is made to ensure that one follows