I have been interviewing for this great opportunity with an private equity firm and I like the people and the position a lot. The work seems very challenging and the people are very open to helping each other which is a breathe of fresh air from my current job. The company seems solid and pay is very good so all seems to be "Go" except for
the annoying fact that the position is entry-level. The postions caters to someone with only 1 or 2 years of work experience; I have 6 years, plus and MBA. Having said that, 5 of my 6 years have been in different industry than the business that this firm does so it doesn't necessary equate to "over-qualified" for the job so much as "over-experienced" -- do you see what I'm saying? For my time withiin this particular industry (which has been 1 year) I fit, but I dont' know how to feel about working with others younger than me who will likely surpass me in title down the road. The work is challenging so I don't know if I'm being egomatic or if this could be really big mistake. HELP!