
Should an insurance company have the right to write in the policy?

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They don't pay for lung related diseases for smokers or HIV/Aids treatment to homosexuals....

Is that a right they should have?




  1. They should not and they don't have the right.

    I guess most people did not realize you were asking a hypothetical question.

    Insurance companies can waiver out coverage for certain conditions that are currently present but no health insurance policy can exclude coverage in the manner you stated.

    They can however deny coverage for people who participate in risky activities such as race car driving, skydiving, rodeo riding, etc.

  2. They can put whatever exclusions they want - if you don't like it, don't buy it.

  3. Umm, only if it is a preexisting medical problem other wise NO..

  4. Every states Insurance code is a little different, most of them are making it harder and harder to discriminate against anything like what you have stated.

    Any type of discrimination, espcecially ocurring in the insurance industry is morally wrong, and lawmakers across the country are fighting to make sure it stops..

    One of the more recent examples of this was US HR 1076 to prevent discrimination of insurance companies against motorcycleists.

    It's always getting better on this front i'm glad to say.

    --Updated: Despite what some of the answers indicate... as long as they are discriminating against an UNPROTECTED status, aka smokers, homosexuals... they ARE within their rigths to do so as long as it is clearly disclosed on the agreement that you sign

  5. Yes, they are writing the policy, and figuring out the rates.  They can write in whatever they want - if you don't like it, shop elsewhere for coverage.

    And most of the smokers I know, have had lung related diseases covered.  And some do have coverage for HIV/Aids, regardless of age or sexual orientation.  

    The problem is, you have to buy the policy, BEFORE you get diagnosed with the condition.  Afterwards, it's too late.  I'm guessing that's what your real problem is . . .

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