
Should anyone participating in Bullfighting be goaded and bled, then executed?

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I think so. I hate this Sport. The Magnificent creatures are indeed bled slowly, and driven to a despairing and exhausting end, where the "Hero" slips a Blade through the shoulder blades into the Heart.

I would very much like to do the same to Matadors, in front of their "People".

Then, we'll see how much they F**king cheer.




  1. Well said, VG, I, myself ( In a previous incarnation ) have tried to get the Bullfighting section completely pulled, by posting Satirical Questions about Dogfighting, and Badger & Bear Baiting, but all I got was abuse from well meaning Doggie lovers, who didn't get where I was coming from,or links to disgusting dogfighting videos, posted on U- Tube, by inbred Redneck Americans.

    I don't necessarily disagree with Bullfighting, I just think it should be done "Mano et Toro", with both parties using only the weapons that God gave them. Fists vs Hoof & Horn. How much more entertaining that would be.

    Apparently, in the Camargue,they have a much more interesting version of Bullfighting, without any cruelty, where people have to snatch garlands of flowers from off the Bulls Horns,often resulting in injury, ( to the Humans ) and

    where the Bulls are revered, and well treated. They only use the semi-wild White Camargue Bulls, and these are directly descended from the( now, sadly extinct ) wild European Aurochs.

    Toodle Pip, Old Thing, KK.

  2. It might be cruel and uncalled for that Spaniards do that to bulls. However, what really sickens me is you wanting to kill other people for the sake of an animal.

    Two wrongs dont make a right. Especially when the second wrong is worse than the first.

  3. I know what you mean Sir it seems tradition can carry on regardless whether it is right or wrong.

    I will bleed them slowly if they wish it to be the way :/

  4. Fair is fair.

  5. I think so too.

    Totally agree.

    Bullfighting is such a horrible sport.

    I dont understand how a person can stab a bull numerous times like that.

    Beforehand the bull is beaten up so that it cant move around as quickly :(

    also vaseline is rubbed in the poor things eyes so it cannot see properly.

    It makes me SICK!!

    the stupid thing is 78% of spanish people dont even like the sport!

    only 22% of the people agree with it and thats why its still happening.

    I think it should be stopped.

    just like hunting,seal/badger baiting and so many other

    blood sports. they should be stopped!

    Dont people realise that animals have feelings!

    the same feelings we have. and they feel that pain!

    they are in agony.

    I think those who inflict this pain on these bulls and all creatures should feel the same pain.

    "the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"

    Its not looking good for them is it ?

    Some thing should be done to stop bull fighting.

  6. I'm with you.  Oddly enough, animal rights activists seem to attack genuine conservation, research, and education efforts at zoos and aquariums than obviously cruel practices such as bull fighting or whaling.

    Guess they choose the easier targets - the ones they can actually damage, even when they are wrong.  Doesn't really surprise anyone, does it?

  7. For people using the pathetic argument about slaughter for meat, may I ask them if they fancy a pleasant afternoon at the abattoir, cheering on as  the cattle is killed?  I think not.  This isn't about the killing of beasts, it's about transforming it into a sport and the unnecessary suffering caused to the animal.  That's the part our Victorian gent is deploring.  

    I agree bullfighting is barbarism. I could never participate in such a spectacle, and have to avert my eyes when images are shown. This does not make me have to be vegetarian. Does one have to be teetotal to criticise binge drinking and drunken disorder?  If you want to argue for bullfighting you'll have to come up with a better argument than that!

  8. I agree 100%. I cant believe this still goes on in "modern" society.

  9. Unless you are a strict vegetarian, you should slap yourself.

  10. I totally agree.  I cannot believe that this is actually considered a sport.  What a shame.  I will not even go to a rodeo.  I think that these so called sports are just mean-spirited.

  11. Ya its not the killing that so much bothers me but its the the way they do it so painfully and mean. I eat meat but those animals are killed pretty quickly not bled slowly. I think it is a very barbaric sport for a barbaric culture :P

  12. You are g*y.

  13. i'd cheer, that would be fking hilarious!

  14. If you had been a Roman Gentleman who may have gotten your wish, but as it stands, you won't but I would have to agree with you!

    Some Hero!

  15. well they do deserve it...and the people watching too.

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