
Should anyone who has a car that gets better than 30 MPG highway get a tax credit?

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Not just for hybrids.




  1. I'm always looking for ways to lower my tax risk...the problem with this idea is that people like me would end up subsidizing the tax credit for those who can't afford an energy efficient car!  It's sad but can't win for losing!

  2. No never.  One should not have anything to do with the other.  Should people that use eneregy efficient appliances get a tax credit?  It would be the same thing.  Don't get me wrong I would love to play less tax but what purpose whould this serve.

  3. No!  THe government should not be in charge of picking winners and losers with MY tax money.

  4. sure, and people who create businesses and jobs should get a huge tax bill! Obama! Right on!

  5. No not in any way in my opinion.  Just feel that good old happy feeling for yourself, that you have done something good.  Not all good deserves "compensation", NOT FROM MY TAX MONEY ANYWAYS.  Perhaps this is what is wrong with this world in today's quaqmire, everyone IS HOLDING OUT THEIR HANDS looking for the Government to be all.  How about just OLD FASHION PERSONAL goes a long long way and actually lifts one up on its own :)

  6. They already do ... less gas means less paid in taxes on it.

  7. Since gas is taxed at the pump, if you spend less at the pump, you're already giving yourself a tax break.

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