
Should art be inspirational?

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No two people view a given situation the same. This is obvious. However, should art invoke some sort of emotion? It's not to say that art that doesn't isn't good. But i am thinking of true, good art that stirs something inside of you. I can go online and view 1million paints or sculptures, but feel nothing but, "that's nice". Then every now and then I see somethign and am like, "wow...thats engaging". Make any sense?




  1. Art should be evocative and communicative.

  2. See, you are only thinking of yourself in this instance.  Those few million works you pass by on the internet that you think are nice might be billiant, thought provoking, and stunning to another person, which is why they were produced.

    Art doesn't have to be inspirational to you, but it will probably be to somebody else.  There are what, 6 billion people in the world?  I'm sure at least one person in the lot would think any given piece of are stirred something in them, even right down to a scribble done by a 3 year old.

  3. Absolutely, unequivocally.

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