
Should atheists be allowed say "OMG"??

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wow! people are really attacking me about this... i actually consider myself an agnostic so i dnt actually give a **** what atheists say. the reason that i picked the phrase "omg" is because it includes "my"... why are people so defensive about this i was kindof joking... jeepers




  1. What is this question doing in ROYALTY? Your question is about RELIGION and not the monarchy.

    "OMG" is just a catch-phrase these days and just means "goodness gracious" or "wow" or "I don't believe it." There is no religious connotations with the phrase these days.

  2. Yes, they can say what ever they want ? is Jesus going to strike them down ? God is all in the mind

  3. yes unless Christan's cant use anything made or created by science and rational thought

  4. Sure, why not?

    I say it all the time.

    OMG is just a figure of speech.

  5. I don't use that phrase!

  6. you can"t even shut them up so what does it matter...

  7. You going to stop me?

    I also say 'Jesus f*****g Christ!' and 'For the love of God!'

    Are you suggesting the Christians should get together and form some kind of language police?

  8. That's hilarious. Christians are the ones who aren't meant to say 'Oh my God' because it's taking their Lord's name in vain. Atheists can say what they d**n well please and only have to answer to their fellow men and women.

  9. what about sh it? or what the f?

  10. well, you do have a point.......

  11. The answer is yes and no.

    No because for u to say omg and i dont beleive in a god is kinda almost a contradiction therefor making 1 an oxymoron

    Yes b/c who really cares

  12. I am an atheist and i never say Oh my God!

  13. Well yeah because there's no such thing as "God".

  14. I suppose Oh Your God would be more accurate but then Christians shouldn't say Oh My God either considering it is blasphemy to take Gods name in vain.

  15. well yeah i guess


  16. atheists can say whatever they like because they don't believe in god however Christians cant because its taking the lords name in vein.

  17. I think anyone is ALLOWED to say whatever they want.  Who is going to stop them?  or fine them?  And what has this to do with Royalty?  Are we discussing Royal Atheists?

  18. They can say whatever they wish.

    A believer that says OMG is surely breaking a commandment by taking the Lords name in vain. An athiest that says it doesn't believe anyway so is breaking no rules.

    I really don't care what anyone else does or does not say, it is up to their own conscience.

  19. I tell you what, you stop using these Norse-deity based weekdays -

    Tir's day - Tuesday

    Wodan's day - Wednesday

    Thor's day - Thursday

    Frig's day - Friday

    - as well as this Greek/Roman deity based weekday -

    Saturn's day - Saturday

    - and I'll stop using "Oh, my god." as an expression of surprise.  Deal? :)

  20. Of course.

    Though as an atheist I try not to in order to respect the sensitivities of those who may believe in God and take such blasphemous outbursts to heart.

    It isn't about being religious.

    It's about trying to show a little respect for others by refraining from saying things which absolutely do NOT need to be said.

  21. You joke and cannot read huh. This section is royalty, not jokes

  22. No, we should not! Just like we shouldn't be allowed to say, "Jesus Christ!" when we are extremely frustrated, or "d**n it," when we are p.o.'d. We shouldn't be allowed to say, "God in Heaven!" when we are startled, nor should we say, "saints preserve us," when we are scared.

    I say all of those things all of the time. Should I turn in my ACLU card?

  23. Allowed by whom?

  24. We'd have great difficulty singing along with the Kaiser Chiefs if we weren't.

  25. Does it really matter, but if you are athesist than I guess you deserve to get sh** about it, since you believe in no god.

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