
Should barry hall?

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sue the alf for his broken wrist or claim compo .... or sue wce for staker head butting halls fist ...( just adjusting the subject matter) lol




  1. This is a little like the Riewoldt's shoulder incident from last year isn't it?  I think Staker knew that Hall would be taking out a fence and was trying to 'soften up' Barry's wrists by attacking his fist like that.

    It's hard to know for sure what Staker was thinking.  He clearly had a 'mind explosion'.

    I understand the last thing to go through his mind was ... Barry's fist.

  2. nah, im over the whole incident. just fine hall for what he did and get over it. the media dsnt need a big fuss over him. he was stupid for what he did but everyone just get over it.

  3. Mayb Barry should get his Mum and Dad onto it... It's worked for Staker! hee

    Well at least someone stood up for staker, even though his team didn!

    Yeah I agree with suen the sloppy signage company.. Ha

  4. no i think every one just needs to get on with footy

  5. forget Staker no claim

    but substandard advertising signage yes sue

    I would

  6. No. Hall should not sue.

    If you have the ability to google you will soon learn that there are insufficient grounds to sue in such incidents. Too complicated to describe herein to those of limited comprehension!

    N.B. Was that supposed to be funny; your comment about Staker?

  7. No.

    Barry Hall suing someone/body for a wrongdoing would be on a comparison to Chopper Read suing someone for defamation of character!

  8. Oh for sure!!!

    He should get some compensation for that incident.

  9. "The Assault" and the compo claim are separate baskets, and will be dealt with in that manner.

    It is a requirement of the Occupational Health & Safety for players/workers to have a workplace that can assure the person that they are not going to be injured as part of their employment. Hence the Fence issue with Barry breaking his wrist.

    If players were more savvy on dangers in their workplace, they would have done something years ago. But you guessed it, because it's a tough sport with muscular players, they would be regarded as sissys if they raised the question of a dangerous fence,hard playing surfaces,playing in extreme heat,security protection when leaving the playing field,and many more.

    The expectations for an elite athlete can be so broard. that a player can be set up, and then left standing around with his/her dirty underwear in hand, and little support.

    Many players have been injured one way or another over the years, and as i stated their are provisions in place to manage these occurances, however the media put their own spin on the incidents, and this is were players cop the rough end of the pineapple.

    Get my drift...
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