
Should bars be able to take drinks away from underage customers and not give their money back?

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I came into my bar last night right after the bartender had made a drink for this girl. But right before he gave it to her he got suspicious and asked her for her ID. She didn't have one since she was underage. I ended up with her drink for free, but it seems to me she should of paid for the drink and then not be served.

Another bar in our town just got busted for serving underage and was fined $15,000 and will lose their liquor license for a week just as the college students come back. I think if bars have to lose money for serving underaged the underaged should lose money for trying.




  1. yes, because if they are underage they have no bussiness bein in a bar anyway


  3. If they police come and find the underage drinkers the bartender can be arrested, fined, or fired. No. If youngsters take the chance they got to pay for it.

  4. Sure anyone should have to pay for a drink if they order it BUT speaking from experience!!  If I start to serve a underage or one that doesnt have ID and think better of it I would rather get them out than get their money.  It would cost me and my bar and too many of those I would NOT have ajob.  So in the long run just get rid of the problem.  As for the free drink I hate to pour a mistake out if someone will drink it.  Makes for good customer relations and you dont waste it.  Too bad about the other bar.  Its a hard job these days.

  5. how come most of europe doesnt have a drinking age, especially places like will drink a small glass of wine with dinner, when they get older they tend not to abuse alcohol...its usually in the counties that have a drinking " age " that people tend to drink more as they get does seem a little strange to me, however take holland, they have legalised some drugs, you can get a joint and smoke it in a bar legally, they seem to have a small drug problem, i have an idea, legalise it makes sense, people that want them now will find and buy them, people that dont want them will still not want them....the difference?....all drug dealers will be out of business, just make the stuff available on prescription, the government could generate more taxes (take the profits), which they could use to help the people who are dependent on them become less dependent......

  6. I think that the bar should card BEFORE making the drink.  If they decide to card after the drink is made, and they find that the buyer is underage, it would be better for them to dispose of the drink rather than pay the fine, etc.

    However, if someone has a drink and is drinking it.  Then it is discovered that the person is underage, they should have to pay for the drink.

    No consumption, no pay.

    If consumed, then they should have to pay.

    The bars make enough money on those drinks that they can give a few away or toss them.  They will learn to card first!

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