
Should being a Member of Parliament be a full time job, It pays a full time salary?

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Should being a Member of Parliament be a full time job, It pays a full time salary?




  1. You'll be hard put to find any MP's who work less than 60hr's a week.

  2. have you ever watched Parliament on free view TV the last time i looked in there was no more than 10 MPs there and they all looked pissed or dead

  3. No, we should give them the rest of the pay for sweeping the streets. It is all they are good for anyway.

  4. It is a full time job. When they arent at the H of C they are in their constituencies doing stuff.  Our MP gets invited to every kind of gathering there is, and generally turns up. He also does a lot of work for people with complaints (I know cos I refer people to him when they have a real serious grievance). Maybe he is one of the few who do work hard. But nice chap as he is, I dont vote for him.

  5. they should do it for nothing, that would sort out the ones that do it for principles from the money makers

  6. A bit harsh considering they have their second home to refurb when they get home....Chosing colours can be time consuming and what choice of plasma to have....

  7. Don't be silly, how on earth would those sponging cretins manage to work a full year???????????

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