
Should black people be allowed to adopt a white child ?

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could be problematic what do you think ? is it wise to allow black people to adopt a white child ?




  1. As long as they know white babies can't jump then it's probably OK.

  2. Yes, black people should be allowed to adopt a white child. Raising the child would be as problematic as raising any child would be. Childrearing is difficult. However, if there are members of society that have a problem with it and try to cause problems with that family, s***w them. Issues of race are a problem only when one allows them to be. When the biological parents do not want the job the first most important thing is that the child is placed in a safe and loving home.

  3. Any decision like this should be about what is best for the child.  I think that it's best for the child to be raised within his race.  That's not always possible.  There are more black babies up for adoption than there are black families who are looking to adopt.  If a black child can't be adopted by a black family, the next best thing for the child would be adopted by a family outside of his race.  this would be better than spending his entire childhood in foster care.

    As to the black family adopting a white child.  It should be a non-issue.  If a black family wants to adopt, there are more than enough black children who need to be adopted.

  4. Shouldn't the real issue be, can Non-Americans adopt an American born baby?

    I'm Canadian, so I don't get all your black vs white c**p. I thought you were all one nation under God?

    I guess we could also ask could a brunette couple be allowed to adopt a redhead child? Should a family of brown eyed people be allowed to adopt a blue eyed? They are stupid questions just as yours is. The color of any part of a person is just that...Color.

  5. I don't see a problem with it. It is as problematic as a white family adopting a black child.... or an Asian family adopting a Native American child... or.... you get the idea.

    I know that there are those who feel that a parent that is of a different race cannot possibly meet the child's needs.

    Check out the movie, Loosing Isaiah. It's about a baby that was abandoned by his crack-w***e mom in a dumpster. The garbage men heard/rescued the baby and took him to the hospital. He was unclaimed, so one of the nurses took him home, adopted him. She and her husband raised him along side their daugther who was 8 or 9 years at the time. When the little boy was about 5, his birth mother got cleaned up, remembered that she'd been pregnant, and hunted down the boy. The situation went to court, and the judge decided that although this little boy had benefited from the stability of a mom and dad, they were white and he was black, so they couldn't meet all his needs.

    I think that's jacked up. The boy was a part of their family, whatever the colors involved. Inter-racial adoption doesn't have to be an issue... just like inter-racial marriage.

  6. yes

    what has color to do with this???

  7. Yes, it is perfectly fine, notice how you didn't say visa verse, a white person adopting an African American baby people are so racist it is called interracial love

  8. I was born a poor black child.

  9. It's better than a child being stuck in the system all his life.

    That goes for white adopting black also.

  10. honestly, i think it might be better if kids of the same race were adopted by parents of the same race! but if someone wants a white (or black baby if theyre white) then i think its fine. cuz white people adopt asain babies all the time

  11. I have no problem with it. In fact, I wish more whites would step up to the plate and adopt some of the many black children in foster care that need loving homes.

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