
Should blcyclists ride with traffic or against traffic?

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Should blcyclists ride with traffic or against traffic?




  1. The law says ride your bicycle with traffic. In some states, prior to 1962, bicycles went against traffic, like joggers do today. 1962 was the year the law was made with traffic in all fifty states, and people must learn slow, this question keeps coming up.

    The law was changed because of ten-speed bicycles, which first started coming to the United States in 1959. Before that, Americans only had one-speed and three speed bikes (what we call "Beach Cruisers" today).

    The Ten-speed bike can go thirty miles per hour, which is the speed limit on MOST roads.

    The advantage of riding against traffic is the same as walking against traffic- you can see the car coming.

    Not everyone can go thirty miles per hour, even with a ten-speed. To compensate for the lack of visibility, it might be a good idea to put a mirror on the handlebars of your bike. Even if you go over thirty MPH, there are the motorists who speed, and then lie about it to the police after they have an accident.

    Get a rear view mirror.

  2. with traffic

  3. You ride into oncoming traffic so that you can see them.  Obviously you have to stay to the side of the road so that you don't get hit (regardless of which side you're on).  It sounds dangerous but if you get hit by a car it's not going to matter which side they're coming from.

  4. you should always ride with traffic.  You should also be aware of your surroundings and your back at all times.  It would be better being hit going the same way rather than head on on a bike.

  5. With traffic. A bicycle is considered a vehicle on the road, and should ride with the traffic flow. Be sure to allow room for cars to pass without risking getting smacked by a mirror...

  6. laws may vari, but in ohio bikes are the same as farm tractors and other slow moving vehicles.  you ride with traffic and obey the traffic laws.

  7. well motercycles and bisicles it dosnt matter u go go in batween all the cars

  8. You are supposed to ride with the flow of traffic---even if you are riding on a sidewalk.

    The problem with going against the flow of traffic, especially while riding on a sidewalk, is that drivers often have to pull into your path in order to see oncoming traffic. Their heads are turned so that they can see where traffic is coming from, and they can't see you if you're coming from the opposite direction.

    The Best bet is to not even ride on a sidewalk, but rather in the street---going with the flow of traffic. This makes you both visible and predictable, and it's actually the safest way to ride. Cyclists who are struck by cars are rarely struck from behind. Most accidents occur in intersections, and they happen mostly because the cyclist wasn't visible or predictable.

  9. with traffic. As a cyclist on the road you are responsible for following all traffic laws, including stopping at stop signs, yielding on left turns, and staying in your lane. Also, do not ride on the very edge of the road, unless there is atleast 3 feet between you and traffic. Instead, ride in the center of the tire wash, forcing vehicles to pass you correctly (as they would any other slow moving vehicle).

  10. A cyclist should ride with traffic. Generall one should ride on the right edge of the right lane. However, when you have to stop at a stop sign or stop light, move over into the middle of the lane so that you will be given more respect at the light/stop sign.


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