
Should bonus points be awarded in the 6 nations?

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Bonus points for 4 tries or losing by less than 7 like other tournments




  1. No it confuses the issue. In such a small tournament (in terms of matches played) winning by the system in place & then by points difference is the only fair way.

    What if a team deliberately spoils a game & gives away lots of penalties just to avoid tries been scored? You then take the penalties to ensure the win.

    Tries scored does not always reflect a teams dominance or effort to score tries does it? You could maybe only score 2 tries but be completely in control but the other team uses spoiling tactics to keep the score down. It is easily done in rrugby union where you can hold the ball for long periods of time and kick the ball of the park every 30 seconds.

  2. No they should leave it as it is. IRB try to change the traditional game to much

  3. I agree, I think it should....someone beating, say Italy (sorry Italians), by six tries to none should get more points than someone who beats them 6-5.

    Alan A has a good point though....nice one!

  4. I think it is a good idea, it will give insensitive for teams to score tries and reward us with a more entertaining game.........cannot see England liking it though, can you???????

    Shaun Edwards is in favour of it!

  5. No it is a bad idea on the fact that the six nations is such a small tournament that awarding bonus points would unbalance it, what happens if say france score 4 and Wales 4 what happens then if France win the match what do they do, do they both get bonus points?? I do not think that bonus points should be awarded on teh fact that it is such a short tournament.

  6. No! The current system is fine and dandy.

  7. Never happen

    The Poms hold too much influence ...... and can you see them getting FOUR tries.

  8. no they tried it a few years ago and potentially a team who had won the grand slam would not win the championship. It was a ridiculous situation. I think its fine the way it is.

  9. Unbelievable.

    Just so scared and slow to embrace positive change.

    God knows how they will cope with the ELVs.

  10. Lets not mess up a good thing. I think it should stay how it is.

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