because I was thinking about all the paper that goes into making all of the books each year. If we used e-books instead of regular books, we would save literally countless trees every day...and, since there are online newspaper sites like, etc., we might as well just keep the articals on the internet and stop printing newspapers. I mean, think about all the ads in newspapers that no one uses, and all the articals that go unread anyway.
I know that internet costs money, but think about it:
say that you go over to your local gas station or somewhere to buy the newspaper each day. Saying that it comes as cheap as $0.50, they even in a month you'll be spending around $15 a month, just for the newspaper. And plus you'll have to think about all the If you look at this internet site:
you'll see that you can get the internet for only $13 a month. Plus you can think about all the books you get.
Am I making any sense to anyone here?