
Should both parents (divorced or non-divorced) visit their son's first home within one year?

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It has been 16 months of owning my first home and my father has not seen it yet and has no plans to as far as I know.




  1. has he been invited?

  2. id be really upset if my dad didnt. you should ask him why he didnt come see your new house.

  3. I think both parents should visit at some point in that time.  My mother lives 5 mins away & has never seen any of my apts. eventhough I visit her every week and it annoys the h**l out of me!    My father lives over 3000 miles away and he's been here for about 5 minutes a couple times.  I don't get it either.

  4. They should.  It is just part of being a good friend with your parents.  If they have not seen it yet m\perhaps there is a problem.  I have lived in another state for several years (14), and my mom has yet to come see me.  She travels all over the country but not here so perhaps there is another dynamic there where they think it is forbidden or something.  Invite them over and do not be terribly dissapointed if they don' take you up on it.

  5. umm ya theres no reason they shouldnt

  6. yes that would be better or else there would be a bigger problem

  7. w*nker (him not you x)

  8. DUH!

  9. This sounds like there is more to this question than meets the eye.  If you are feeling resentful that a parent has not visited you, then give a specific invitation.  Say when, where and why you are inviting him or her and make sure that you get a proper explanation as to why he or she cannot come (if that is the case).  If you have just given out an open invitiation - drop in sometime - then you may not have been taken seriously or your parent may not realise how important it is for them to visit you.

    Give him or her a chance and re-phrase your question with more detail if we can be of further help.

  10. Have you formally invited them? Some of the sweetest words are "please come" have you thought about whether they can afford the cash expenses to visit? Sometimes parents are too proud to say, we can't afford to come.

  11. i say no  matter how good or bad your relation is he should of  seen your house within 6 months so yeah he should see it before the year ends  

  12. Did you see him that often before you bought the house?  If not, He'll probably get around to it eventually but you shouldn't expect that he'd go out of his way to make the trip.  Maybe you could invite him?  For dinner perhaps?

  13. I would have to agree.  It depends on the relationship you have with your father (doesn't sound so great; sorry).

  14. He should to make sure you made a good investment.

  15. uh, yes they should, their personal relationship has nothing to do with you

  16. Sure

  17. Divorced or not, your parents should take an interest in

    your new home.  That is huge! I would like to see it, and I

    don't even know you. Some dads  seem to let it be up to

    the kids to reach out to them.  Why don't you have a family

    open house or a private bar-b-que, and invite your dad.  You

    need to realize that, just because we get older, that doesn't

    mean we grow up emotionally.  Make the first move.  I don't

    know about your situation, but, I do know what kids adults

    can be.  

  18. YES but you don't mention where your father lives and how far he has to travel to see your house? what his health condition is? if you have a good relation with him? if he agreed or disagreed with the purchase of your home etc. the above questions might answer your question

  19. depends on your relationship with your parents... if you think so, call him up and call him out on it

  20. depends on how good your relationship is with them

  21. Yes, they should visit their first son's home within a year.  

  22. Of course.

  23. your father is like like millions of  parents that have no excuse for being so lame.  i think within a month they should visit just to pretend they care about you if nothing else.  i lived about 400 miles away from my parents and they visited once in 6 yrs when they were driving through town.  now i live about 80 miles away and they never visit.  

    just remember one day you might have kids of your own and the whole do unto others business.  visit them often.  

  24. Yes.  That is not so mmuch to ask, and wether he has a relationship with your mother or not sould not keep him from coming to see you.

  25. are you close to them? if you are then yeah

  26. I would say yes if you have a good relationship with your Dad, and if you don't this would be a good time to get one.  Except if your Dad was abusive when you were young, then I would just stay away.

  27. If it really bothers you and it seems to have or you wouldn't have posted, tell him how you feel.  

  28. yes but sometimes it depends on the personality. ther r some parents that wont even vist their own childs wedding.

    MY HEATH LEDGER TRIBUTE (yahoo based link):

  29. You're probably better off because if he comes over he'll just point out a bunch of stuff that needs to be fixed or painted or somethng.

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