
Should caddies be brought back?

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Does your home course have a caddy program for young people? If not what do you think about bringing caddy programs back to public courses and get people walking again instread of riding. The fewes could be comparable to having a cart and one of the big differences at the end is that your clubs would be clean. What do you think?




  1. My nearby course don't have a program but I hope to find one so I can start caddying next summer. I think it's a great idea, much healthier option. I think it would also make the courses a little more interesting and friendly place. It would prolly cost about the same too since tips cover what the paycheck doesn't.

  2. Absolutely - we should encourage caddy programs as much as possible.  It would speed up play, it's healthier to walk, and gets the caddies interested in the game.  Biggest problem is courses are counting on the revenue carts bring in their budgets so figure you need to give the course it's usual $15 to $18 plus pay the caddy about $20 you've just increased you cost of a round of golf by another $20 or more.

  3. Hi

    Major fancy clubs has caddies to help beginners playing their

    games.Of course there is a price to pay for and most beginners dont want to spend that money.the best solutions

    to help you on a golf course is simply learning the distance

    you could make with each of your clubs, and know how to

    read the panels that golf course putt on the fairway.Therefore

    if you know your distance to attain the flag and you know wich

    club to use, you will make your game much easier.The best

    way to do that is to practice on a driving range using the smallest irons to the longest clubs and mark your distance

    obtain of each clubs.The difference of doing this practice and

    using a caddy is simply the fact that you will practice more

    oftenly on a driving range.Remember this proverb:If you

    feed a poor person everyday, he will rely on you for the rest of your life while if you teach him how to cook, he will survive without depending on everyone!

  4. i think it is a smart thing for courses to do that.  Not only does it expose young people to the game of golf and potentially bring new people to the course but it teaches young people the skills they can't learn in school such as discipline, respect, self control.  It is a good idea for sure,  it just needs to have rules or regulations set up so things don't get out of hand.

  5. I love the idea, but unfortunately I can not afford the extra expense. Golf is affordable to me only because I can eliminate all the extras.

    Greens fee's is all I can handle if I want to reach my goal of 10 rounds per season. I think one of the major contributing factor for golfs boom in the last 10 years is the "First Tee" program and the ability of the hacker to go to the course and pay for green fee's and get the h**l out of the club house and on the public course without paying for the extras.

    If I get that next big promotion I want to spend the money on more rounds and perhaps a golf vacation and not on anyone carrying or cleaning my clubs.

    If I become rich then I will gladly play where caddies are mandatory and really take of them. Until then I will just have to waite fro my five year old to turn 12 or 13 and in-list him. LOL

    Hit'em Straight

  6. Caddies are only needed at public courses for helping first - time players at the course, the way around the course.  Caddies will also slow down play, which makes the members mad.

  7. Not many courses have caddy programs. I know of one, you either need to take a cart or caddy. Problem is no one feels like tipping a caddy decent money because you can get a cart for cheaper and not walk. people are lazy, and dont really care, sucks but its the truth

  8. I like the idea.

    But courses will hate it.

    They don't make any money off of Caddies.  They make good money off of carts.  Plus, Carts speed up the game meaning they can get more golfers during the day, which equals more money.

  9. get a pull cart and clean your clubs yourself it isnt that hard of a job. lazy!! A true golfer does it themself.


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